what is the best video card for cycles in the $100 to $300 price range


Oct 17, 2012
what is the best video card for cycles in the $100 to $300 price range:confused:
That's a mighty big range you've got there. For around $200, the 7870 from AMD is your best option. When you get closer to $300, it is a toss up between the 660ti and the 7950, and both are great options.
the 660ti cannot compete with a 7950... so for 300 dollars get the 7950 atm nvidia doesnt have any cards to fill their 200-300 dollar range dollar to performance ratio wise...
7950 with the game bundle is a pretty good deal right now IMO.

Yeah...it looks like a solid option. I was really leaning towards the GTX670 simply because the older titles I use (flight sims) used to have lots of issues with ATI/AMD Drivers - but from what I can see, those days are mostly over and that 7950 with some OC on it looks like a great plan for most users.