What Is the Funniest Number?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Scientific American wants to know what you think is the funniest number. I guess I'll drop my vote for 8008135 in the hat. :D

I have definitely giggled at the mention of the numbers 69 and 37 (if you’ve seen Clerks, you’ll understand). The number 13 amused me last week when I discovered that not only did my hotel omit the 13th floor (more accurately, they labeled the 13th floor “14″), it didn’t even have room numbers ending in 13. The triskaidekaphobia is strong there. I find 91 funny because it’s not prime but I think it should be, and as a Douglas Adams fan, I’m always happy when I have order number “42” at a restaurant.
Grow up, Steve...

I actually have a t-shirt with the 8008135 on it (calculator) and got one for my 14 year old son, too. :D
actually 5318008 is the correct version... because you flip it upside down
my GF just reminded me of this on a calculator... no, my mind is pure and angelic, I promise...
1984...oops, sorry, that was the scariest number. My bad.
Scientific American wants to know what you think is the funniest number. I guess I'll drop my vote for 8008135 in the hat. :D

That occurs in a lot of buildings and even some airlines. Go to a Chinese owned building and they omit the fourth floor, iirc. It tricked me at first, because I haven't seen that one before.
Growing up I aways wanted a personalized license plate that said 3M TA3. But then they got rid of front plates here a while before I could even drive.
I don't know about the funniest, but the best number is 73.
-40 because it's the same for both Celsius and Fahrenheit
10^21 = sextillion
0. Because when you're the last person alive, it will be such a hysterical number that you'll laugh until you go insane.