What is the greatest PC game MODification ever?

CS is awesome, but DoD is very cool too.

The only crappy thing in CS is the players that AWP camp all game.
Though I dispize it, CS is definately the best mod of all time.

but now to my opinions...

BF1942: Desert Combat! hands down
Quake 3: Bid for Power & Q-Pong
Half-Life: DragonMod Z
Unreal Tournament 1: Unreal 4Ever! I still actively play the original UT for this mod. Who here has heard of this old mod? You can get it from Fileplanet.com
Freelancer: FL Rebalance
GTA-Vice City: Multi-theft Auto
TheAcorn said:
The original Alien Quake!

I've never seen it since, oh, 1996 or so? But I recall it to be an extremely intense game, at least for it's day.

Anyone else remember it? And for that matter, does anyone know where to download it? There was something with 20th Century Fox pulling a lawsuit on them over it, if I recall.

I think I have a copy of it at home, if you want it. Found it. It's dated 12/14/97.
Langly said:
Action Quake 2
Best mod Period.

I LOVED AQ2. it really is a shame that it's dead. Maybe Quake4 will bring about the return of AQ.
Killer69 said:
The only crappy thing in CS is the players that AWP camp all game.

Not necessarily. When I used to play CS, on Dust 2, I would crouch in a corner and guard one of the bomb sites. If I heard that the bomb had been placed, I would run to the other site. That's a legitmate and respectable strategy. Now if I was to stay crouched in that corner, that would be a different story.
I used to play Quake (yes the first one) multiplayer a lot (over LANs, online, etc..) and I found this mod called Artifact quake, basically it spawned little Runes all over the map, there were like 30 total different runes and each one gave a different ability, like you could summon a shambler with one, or become invincable for 3 seconds with another and so on.

The sheer number of runes/effects made it very fun as you never knew what someone's power was until they unleashed it on you.

Of course you could only use one rune at a time and it took like 5-10 seconds before you could drop it if you wanted to try for a new power.

Alot of the rune powers showed up in other mods and games in later years, like decoys, berserk mode, humand bomb (called Divine wind).

It looks like there is still a website for the mod too http://www.runequake.com/docs/

Day of Defeat - HL Mod
Natural Selection - HL Mod
Team Fortress Classic - HL Mod
Counter Strike - HL Mod

Was fortunate to play these mods when they were in early
beta builds and love how far they are now.

*Where's my Day of Defeat Source* :confused:
Hmm, i think CSS.. But then again i haven't played Desert Combat.. What makes it unique compared to CS???
Desert Combat...

And Cant wait for BF2...gonna be even better...then the Mods for BF2...Whoa Shit..its gonna be super cool!!

Im sure if the Forgotten Hope team moves to BF2..thats gonna be the Biggest mod ever released.
chaosUT (the old ut version and new ut2k4 version)
too bad nobody plays it anymore :/
i just bought the Battlefield 1942 game to play Desert Combat. Was it a mistake to buy it since Battlefield 2 is coming out?
neeyo said:

Isn't that THREEWAVE CTF? Never heard of Thunder Walker and I'm OLD!

Anyone remember DMplus for Q1? Tripwires!
im a long time half life mod fan but i have got to be totally shocked if i havent seen a total disregaurd for Red Orchestra. That mod by far as more hard work and talent in it then DoD and CS combined.
Instagib for Unreal Tournament

I like it when people explode after 1 shot.
Probably the 2nd most used Mod evar only surpassed by CS.
If by best you mean most popular, then CS takes it.

If by best you mean complete garbage and lack of quality, then CS still takes it
davidj said:
What is the greatest PC game MODification ever? What game did it MOD??

Well some may say CS, before it became a retail product?

What do you say is the best MOD evar made?????????

MODs are something that consoles will never do well, maybe not at all. IMHO :)

CS just because it was so good that it was turned into a retail product
Langly said:
Action Quake 2
Best mod Period.

Right on right on.


the most satisfying head shot sound ever
and there was even a nether region hitbox IIRC
plus heart shots.... ahhh now that was a mod.

Must install that to vent battlefield frustrations.
I never could stand CS. Always manages to reduce me into a gibbering mass of rage, no matter how good I'm doing. Just too much time between rounds to dwell on what BS my killer pulled.

I've always been a bigger fan of single player mods, so I'm gonna have to say Alien TC for Doom. To this day I still think it's the best single player mod I've ever seen for a game.

They Hunger was an amazing HL single player mod too. If you haven't checked it out, do it! Kind of sucks that the newer versions of HL downloaded through steam fucks up the level transitions. Used to have relatively smooth half second level loads ala the original HL. Now a loading bar pops up and everything, and it's SLOOOW.
I gotta say I loved AlienTC for the original Doom. The one that got Foxed. The original Foxed mod actually. The entire first level was completely empty of monsters. But you didn't know that until you finished the level. The entire time you were on the edge of your seat. It had voice clips from the movies and tons of atmosphere. It was great.
CS was very popular and a sound mod....

But the most impressive mod I have seen was the Natural Selection 1.0 mod for Half-Life. The mix of RTS/FPS was amazing considering it was based off the Quake engine. If you have not seen it, its pretty amazing what this mod team did to bring a whole other level of gameplay to a pure FPS.
1. Threewave CTF for Quakeworld
2. Rocket Arena for Quakeworld
2. Thunderwalker CTF for Quakeworld

I name all of these for QW even though they were out for Q2 as well. They were the originals "MODs". I never liked Team Fortress or TFC...never cared for CS either. After years of running and gunning in Quake, I never could get used to the slower, more tactical HL series of games. Even now BF2 is a struggle to fight my instincts to run out from cover with rockets blasting away.
My favorites:
ETPRO for W:Enemy Territory
DeGeneration for RTCW
and yes, Instagib for UT :D

played CS, never really liked it, and I've never played the majority of mods listed in the thread.