What is the main DC project u guys do now?

El Perro

Apr 5, 2000
I used to run the UD client on a couple of machines a while back but I kinda got out of touch with everything but I'm looking to get back in. How are things now? Still competing with Ars and OC australia? What is the main project ppl do now? Just looking for info... the sticky seems to be out of date (or maybe I need reading lessons :eek: )
Welcome back, just remember to put 33, in for the team, we need all the help we can get to pass those Aussie's. ;)
There are other DC Projects other than Folding & Home?

JK gotta give props to the UD peeps etc.
could use your 25 gigs on the folding front... brother. hehe. Got any spare cycles ? :p