What is the name of the Windows System Menu button?


Aug 30, 2005
What is the name of the Windows System Menu button?

I am talling about the round glass-orb looking object (on a Windows 7 operating system) that appears in the lower left of the screen -- usually -- that you can click on to see the menu selection of programs on your compter.
It's still called the Start menu button. It just no longer reads "Start" from the Win95 days.
I seem to remember it being called the Windows pearl. But never really hear anyone referring to it as such.
Start Orb
^^ It's called that too sometimes, but on MS's site and in help it's called the start (menu) button. Example:


You get the mostly same help topics if you use "start menu button" or "start menu orb" but all the documentation refers to it as button.
Yeah, its called the Start button because from 95 to XP it actually said "Start" and that just stayed with the name of the thing even when Microsoft switched it over to Windows logo image in Vista. Honestly one of the nicest cosmetic things they ever did with the tar bar, that ugly button with "Start" on it just seemed out of place. But then it was less obvious what to call it but it made perfect sense to just keep calling it the "Start" button.
Hover over it in Vista/7 and it will pop-up the word Start.
Internally I've seen it called:
Start button
Start pearl
start orb
windows pearl orb
windows circle thing on the bar at the bottom of the screen
That's what works best for my users, except I have to add "left" to the phrase.

lol, that or tell them to press the button "between the Ctrl and Alt key" on their keyboard. Surprisingly people find a way to auto-hide their taskbar and then have a conniption when they "don't see anything at the bottom of their screen!"
lol, that or tell them to press the button "between the Ctrl and Alt key" on their keyboard. Surprisingly people find a way to auto-hide their taskbar and then have a conniption when they "don't see anything at the bottom of their screen!"

What if they're on a non-lenovo laptop? They might press Fn!
I call it a Start Orb. Most know what I'm referring to and the ones that don't Ill say that blue circle thing on the bottom left of your screen and then explain to them its called an Orb.
What if they're on a non-lenovo laptop? They might press Fn!

hehehe true, i get them to press the key with the windows logo onit.. they go huh?? i go microsft logo, looks a flag with 4 squares.. tho this is getting rare and gen x and y are moving into the fields.