What is the oldest hardware in your computer?


Apr 2, 2003
I had to take my Audigy 1 Platinum breakout box out to clean it today.
I then realized that it was the oldest computer hardware I have in active use to date.

This device has been serving me well since 2001 running 24 hr/day. :eek:

This is one piece of hardware that was well worth its money. :)

In second place, is my Radeon 9700pro, which I got in 2002.

What is the oldest hardware in your current computer?
52X Cendyne CD burner. This is like over 5yrs old. It's acting flakey and so...I disconnected it. It's still in the case.
I've got a couple of old Radeon 7000VE cards still running 24/7 in some of my folding boxen... that's about as old as it gets for me...

My NEC DVD burner is the oldest part in my rig at 2 years. The second closest is my P180 case at 1 1/2 years.
oldest.. hummm would have to say a 80mm fan that just keeps on going. its about 6-7 years old. and My sound card X-fi its a couple of years old.
My ATI Radeon 9700 Pro also has served me well throughout the years. My Audigy 2 I also really enjoyed. Those are the two oldest pieces of hardware I am using.
Oldest thing in my main rig... hmmm... guess it would have to be the X-Fi, everything is pretty new.
My LAN rig, the oldest thing is probably the processor (Athlon 64 3000+)
My secondary gaming rig, oldest would be the motherboard (ABit K7D-RAID)
I still have a 56k modem, circa 1998, plugged into a PCI slot. Not really sure why I keep it, haven't used it in at least 5 years. :confused:

As for hardware, my Dlink wireless router has been running without a hickup for 6-7 years now. Ever since 802.11b was "fast" and expensive.

I also still frequently use a celeron 366mhz computer for web browsing and print serving.
my dvd drive, nfi what brand it is, but ive had it for 3 or 4 years. got it when my 3500+ and 6600gt were leet specs
One of the screw that tightens one of my hard-disk has been in my family since the end of the civil war!
Lite-On DVD Rom. Going on 5 years now. I use it for everything, the fastest, best dvd drive I've ever owned. Still gear driven tray too, I can't find those anymore.
I have 2 30gb seagate hdd's that I still use...I've had them since June of 2000. Stopped using them as primary drives a few months ago and now they're in external enclosures.
Oldest hardware in my rig must be the TJ-10 case.
The thermalright HR-03. Been through 2 video cards, numerous system upgrades. Got it when it first came out.
my mitsumi floppy drive, got it when i bought windows 95 on floppys... so... 95.. 96 ish
My Case (Sonata II) ~1.5 Years old.
I forgot about the 15" LCD I still have hooked up as a second monitor. Its 5 years old with 8301 Hours used on the backlight.
floppy drive circa 1996

My router is a p75 that I bought new in fed 1995
I'm still using my 1st Antec case with a floppy drive in it that I think is 7 or 8 years old.

Edit: btw the rig in my sig is to be built in a week or 2.
w0w y0u 4r3 4 5up3r 1337 h4xx0r

Joking, seriously did you write that all out yourself?
Mine has to be the back up dvd drive in my media center. Its a Pioneer DVR 104mb, from 2002 :D. I also have a tnt2 in active use wit a backup machine.
I think my oldest part is a 320GB HDD. Everything else is pretty fresh. Well, wait, the case outlived everything.

EDIT: No, the HDD is older, by quite a margin.
This goddamned 8800gts 640m that is 16 months old and Nvidia or ATI won't give me a good reason to upgrade yet. (ok. its really my Seasonic s-12 600)
Inside my computer? My Seagate 7200.7 80 gig. Got it off the 'bay six months before I built the system. On the outside, my Logitech Z3s.
For the computers that I currently use, my oldest hardware would be a 250GB SATA hard drive I got a few years back. Second would be a floppy drive (the drive is relatively new, the technology is not). Both computers were built recently.

For computers that are in storage (but might be put back to use again someday), my oldest equipment would be an ISA soundblaster 16 card. I might use it for DOS gaming.

For other household computers (meaning computers in the home for family members but not really being used by me), the oldest hardware would probably be the 56k PCI winmodem dating back to 1999. It has seen almost constant use up until about a month ago; has been dormant since but still remains installed in the computer.
I've got a DLink Ethernet card that I put into my current computer as a spare, low-speed link. I took it out of a computer I built in early 1996 (a Pentium 166 (pre MMX) that I bought when it just came out; ~$1000 for the CPU alone).

The USR modem I occasionally use is from 1995.
Probably the 3.5" floppy drive. It's about 3 or 4 years old.
Oldest part in my computer is... 9600gt. Was the first thing that came in the mail 2 weeks ago :cool:

Oldest thing i use is a 21" Dell Trinitron CRT. That thing is a beast! I got it a couple years ago used. I've had to move it a couple times, heaviest monitor I have ever seen!
Oldest part in my computer is... 9600gt. Was the first thing that came in the mail 2 weeks ago :cool:

Oldest thing i use is a 21" Dell Trinitron CRT. That thing is a beast! I got it a couple years ago used. I've had to move it a couple times, heaviest monitor I have ever seen!

I have a 21" Sony Trinitron in my closet right now...too heavy for me to bother to take it and get it disposed of right now...gonna sit in there for awhile. Used it for 6 and a half years though..loved that monitor...I spent $1300 on it when it was first released...
If you take the laptop by itself all the hardware in it should be more or less the same age, but when you include attachments there's a wire for an old usb drive that is several years old. Perhaps 4 by now.
I'm trying to figure out which is oldest between my case and LCD monitor.

Samsung 193P+
Cooler Master Stacker (original model)
perhaps one of my Maxtor 250 GB HDDs...

All roughly 3-4 years old...
All those that mentioned floppy drives, are you still using them?

I have a couple of floppy drives that are 5+ years old, but they have not gotten any use in the past 2-3 years.

We also won't count cables.

Monitors, cases, and case fans are fine; otherwise, the part has to be internal.