What Is The Pride of Your System?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
list your favorite component

mine is my 74GB Raptor

PSU is a close second
2x512 MB Corsair XMS PC3500 BH-5 memory.

EDIT: Although I must say I am proud of the Ti500 in a different way. He's been quite the soldier. Around 3 years old, the fan failed for who knows how long before I noticed. Has a nice little overclock when I want to (although it doesn't much make a difference anymore so i tend to leave it stick).
My monitor is also about 6 years old. Gotta love components that keep on truckin' long after their life expectancy is up.
Most definetly my HP Pavilion M70 monitor. Bought this bad boy in 1996 when 17" CRT's were the biggest hit and were priced high around $700 and up. God I love this monitor and I will probably never replace this thing.
my geforce 3 videocard with da "Zalman HEATPIPE" i've havent overclocked yet. secoud is my cable modem. Motorola sb4200. it is serving me well. speeds up to 5mb! :)
my MX510 mouse. i love that thign :)

that or my 2.4C. i ran it for a couple months at 3.4 on stock voltages. its so sexay
Well, it used to be my Athlon2600+ mobile @2.5GHz, but now it's my new Samsung 193P LCD :D
I'd Probably have to say my 9600Pro... Most expensive component of my computer... Everything else is low-budget parts, and the 9600Pro is medium-budget... It wont be replaced until I get a job, and not a shitty paper-route either, i dont want to get up early.

I'm gonna say my comp is only going to get minor upgrades for atleast 2 more years, if not 3.
Mine would be my Viewsonic (I believe, I'm not near my main comp right now) 22" CRT. I run it in 1920x1440 just because I can :D .
mine would have to be the power button b/c w/out it.. the computer won't start! actually u could ghetto rig it but.. im proud of mine! :D
on the real side tho would have to be the raptor 2.. things super fast
My mobile 2500+ that does 200x14 @ 1.75v and still has plenty more to go, closely followed by my 9800pro.

my BFG 6800 Ultra OC
my 22" CRT is pretty cool, and my 2.0ghz P4a that does 2.67 on air in a shuttle xpc is pretty cool too :)
Either the LL PC-71 or the PSU :)

mmm.... <1% fluctuation on all rails....
The spliffy ass paint job i just finished doing on my case.. aside from that.. the fact that i overclocked mt 2500+ to a 3200+.. this was my first over clock :D
My Albatron Geforce4 Ti4200 OC'd to 315/565 Best $153 I ever spent on computer parts.

My modified Iwill KK266-R motherboard, has lasted me over 3 years, and has been the MOST stable board I've ever had/used. I volt modded the board, did the 5V mod, and later on upgraded the CPU Vcore caps to run an XP1800 Palomino at 1708 Mhz.
my modded system... i could careless about the components.. but the way i modded my case.... ggrrrr...sexaaayyy :D
my Aspire X-Dreamer II case. its the only flashy case i've ever had, and i love it. I love my Artic Cooling Rev 3 too. keeps my 9800 pro cool, which keeps everything else cool. and it looks great.
Sony 21" GDM-F520R - damn sweet screen (although having my Samsung 19" LCD right next to it makes it all the better)
15,000rpm Seagates :D
Lian-Li PC-70 and PC-76
Custom PC Power and Cooling PSU (getting it next week :D)

I can't play favorites!
9500np...Only cause it softmods...I don't even use the thing...I use my 9800pro instead...
my 2x256 corsair pc3200c2 bh-6 (260fsb cpc on tightest timings)

got em 2 xmas' ago and always thought they were maxed at 205mhz in my a7n8x, now with this infinity, they fly to 260 :)
My tyan thunder k8w with dual 246's and 2 gigs of ram

close second is the x800 pro

third would be the pair of 74 gig raptors
My NEC FP912, it saved me from blinding 60 Hz refresh rates.

Close second, my gig of Crucial RAM, rock solid.
Probably my Logitech Z-640's. I was so excited when I finally got away from my crappy $10, 2 speaker set.

But I just got a 9700pro with Artic Cooling Rev 2 in the mail today. Can't wait to see what it can do!