What is XP automatically doing when not in use? HD is BUSY...


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2005
After a while, when the screen saver is on, I guess XP SP2 MCE finds something for itself to do, and when I hit the mouse, it stops. What is it doing?

You probably still have the HD Indexing service turned on. It's moving your more used files to the more quickly read spots on your hard drive
indexing is un-installed, never loaded it.


EDIT: indexing in the setup is different from the properties indexing option, right?
contrary to belief, indexing is off by default-even though installed. the service is set to manual, in computer managment/service and applications/indexing service note that it has not been started nor configured. the tweak is a fallacy.

the activity seen is normal windows optimizing prefetch and files. it will also do a defrag these files for faster execution.
Doingtimein419 said:
You probably still have the HD Indexing service turned on. It's moving your more used files to the more quickly read spots on your hard drive
Well, looks like Terminator 3 is beginning...FOR REAL!!! Oooooooohh....scarrry! It's the rise of the machines, sorry guys, were all dead within 48 hours! :D
charles555 said:
After a while, when the screen saver is on, I guess XP SP2 MCE finds something for itself to do, and when I hit the mouse, it stops. What is it doing?


Most likely downloading viruses & other fun stuff ( :p j/k)

A downloadable document that explains who, what, when, where and why XP seems to churn away at the drive during idle times.

shaihulud nailed it but in actuality, the reason for the pre-fetch is to load the files faster, not particularly to execute them. They don't execute till they're loaded into RAM, so getting there faster is the entire purpose of the pre-fetching.

That downloadable doc just goes into far more detail, but again, shaihulud got it.

Yeah, that's what they WANT you to think...in reality, Balmer and Gates are too busy and lazy to surf for their own pr0n. They had an agent secretly built into Windows XP that scans users disks for tasty JPGs, then covertly sends them to Redmond.