What is you're 8800GTS OCed to?


Limp Gawd
Nov 29, 2006
I just wanna know what other's have there 8800 GTS OCed to.. And what temp it run's at full load I have mine @ 600/950 and my temp is 53 idle and high 60's low 70's full load after playing BF2142 for about 3 hour's and is on stock cooling.. You can also add what you're 3DMark06 score is if you want.. I just wanna know what other's have there GTS clocked @ and Im sure other's also would like to know. After all it is the most mainstream next gen card to date and the most Overclockable on stock cooling anyway....

GTX/Ultra also welcome just make sure you add what the brand and the type it is.(PNY) (640MB) and stock cooling or not.. ect ect..

Well I gotta get some sleep.... Im hoping to see a full page when I wake up maby 2 lol...
Well if you want a full page or two, check out the other OCing threads in the Nvidia Section ;).

But currently @ 621/902, haven't really pushed the memory so much as the core, as the memory is always running @ that speed so I don't want to always keep it hotter. Dunno how much it really matters though :)

As for 3dmark06: around 11kish I don't remember the actual score because I didn't write it down :(, had:
10639 - 3.2ghz - 106.2 - 621 - 864

but that was with the slower memory.
My core is clocked to 650 but I have not OCed the memory yet. It's only OCed during 3d and underclocked in 2D mode. Max temps I've seen after heavy gaming is low 70s.
My core is clocked to 650 but I have not OCed the memory yet. It's only OCed during 3d and underclocked in 2D mode. Max temps I've seen after heavy gaming is low 70s.

Someone posted that it always runs at 3D, even though it has that setting?

I can't recall who posted it here, so take me with a grain of salt.
Well at least we got somthing going.. It would be nice to get everyone's OC setting's on there 8800 GTS but I guess alot of people don't have them? I mean 3 replys? There has got to be more people with the card unless they are lying about it in there sig..
perhaps state which core you are using, be it A2 or A3 by checking the main page in Rivatuner.
A3 Core
Stock Cooling
65 Idle / 69 Load
51 Ambient
100% Fan Duty Cycle
Someone posted that it always runs at 3D, even though it has that setting?

I can't recall who posted it here, so take me with a grain of salt.

I'm sure someone has said it but that is not the case with me. I am using Gainward's Expertool to overclock. I have the 2D underclocked with it and 3D overclocked. I verfied that this works with Rivatuner. When I exit a game back to windows the clock speed drops instantly..
Search is your friend...

P.S. Your sig is longer than all of your posts in this thread combined.
If you OC with RivaTuner and set separate 2D and 3D clocks they will not change if you have Vista and the Aero theme enabled. Aero uses just enough of the GPU to qualify as a 3D app -- which is silly, but, hey.

This should not be an issue in XP, hence some say they're having no problem. Changing back to Vista Basic or Windows Classic themes in Vista will also fix the issue.