What I've managed so far...


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2004
Greetings all. Purchased a DFI LanParty SLi-DR motherboard and a few other parts about a month ago. Because I was building a custom case for my parts, things were kinda slow coming together. And though I have been busy lately, I decided to muck through my sore throat tonight and try some overclocking on my new rig.

My current run info can be seen here...


You'll notice that I'm running at 225MHz FSB. This is slightly troubling, since Ramtest 1.55 and 1.60 went up to 245MHZ without trouble, and only at 250MHz did I start seeing errors at 2.7v to my two sticks of Ram using settings of 3 - 3 - 3 - 8 and 2.7v. So I wonder if there is a setting I'm missing that's causing the CPU to read unstable in the DFI motherboard over 225 MHz. I've tried increasing the CPU voltage, as well as adjusting other voltages with no success. I think I might need to tweak some BIOS settings, but I just can't be sure at this point. :confused:
It isn't very clear what your problem is, but I take it it is that you can't get over 225 fsb?

X2's don't overclock very far, especially on stock cooling. If you notice, your CPU is at 54c and your chipset is at 60c!!! You are definitely having a temp issue right now.

You can drop your cpu multiplier, that should help.

Or get watercooling or an XP-90.