What makes the iPad so attractive?

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So creating spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, PDFs, etc. works just as well on an iPad as it does on a tm2? You're not presenting any kind of logic, you're just saying "nah" which is not exactly informative.

The question is why use a tm2 for those applications? Low cost HP laptops are garbage and their convertibles are no better.

Get a real laptop (Lenovo, Apple, business class Dell/HP) if you're doing that sort of content creation, that's my solution.

On a side note, on a flight this weekend I met someone who was making a presentation with an iPad and a video adapter. He didn't even bother packing his laptop and he was thrilled. Lots of cinematographers (my professional field) are now doing quick image editing and making fast color correction notes via email with it. And there are loads of artists that create illustrations on the iPad.

Productivity isn't the primary goal, nor is it optimal for a 10" touch screen, but it sure as hell happens when you have a practical application that benefits from a very portable machine with a great screen and has display capabilities.

Practicality for applications are a product of form factor more than anything else. Anything else is a bulletpoint that may be cool in an "oh it can do that" sense but from a practical POV it is kind of pointless for most people.

I myself use it for web/IM/email and video, basically a lot of the same stuff I do on my normal machines. Clearly that is plenty for so many people, which is why it has sold so well.

And can a tm2 do this? :)
Yeah 16GB is SOOO much space that it can't even hold ONE uncompressed Blu Ray movie. LOL!:D

Why put an uncompressed Blu Ray movie on an iPad? That is retarded given the lower resolution and diminishing returns with keeping the full bitrate. This isn't a 60" plasma, and it doesn't even make sense to do it on a normal notebook. Most movies compressed at that resolution at a bitrate that doesn't make harsh compromises in color accuracy or motion artifacts clock in between 1GB-2GB.

Think practically.

As for 3G being for only smart phones, it's 2010. I have 3G on my tm2 and 4G on my W100 and a USB modem that I can use on ANY computer I want and it comes in very handy. Being able to browse the full web without all the silly plug-in restrictions on phones is sweet and om my W100 I'm doing it faster than a lot of folks with hardlines when I'm in a good 4G area.

Yup, and those options add to the cost of the already expensive (and useless in the case of the W100) devices that you mentioned.

It is an option for most people and a redundant one given how ubiquitous wifi connections are. Any place I use my iPad (home, hotel, in-flight, working on stage), I have wifi access. Given that most people just use it at home, wifi is enough. If you need it, great, awesome, get it, but don't think that everybody needs it, and don't use it as a ridiculous baseline for a price comparison. I already pay for cellular data on my phone, I personally don't need to do it with another device. Someone out there might, that's why there are options.

Hell, when I got my Kindle 3, I got the 3G version simply because my 1st and 2nd gen Kindles also had it. I now regret it, total waste of $50 for something that is a "just in case" luxury that I really don't need. If I want to buy a book, just do it when I'm around wifi. If I need to sync my data, which is not necessary to do constantly, do it around wifi.

Again, I don't need it given my practical usage. Someone might find it handy. I think I just ended up giving Amazon an extra $50 that I didn't have to.
The question is why use a tm2 for those applications? Low cost HP laptops are garbage and their convertibles are no better.

Get a real laptop (Lenovo, Apple, business class Dell/HP) if you're doing that sort of content creation, that's my solution.

On a side note, on a flight this weekend I met someone who was making a presentation with an iPad and a video adapter. He didn't even bother packing his laptop and he was thrilled. Lots of cinematographers (my professional field) are now doing quick image editing and making fast color correction notes via email with it. And there are loads of artists that create illustrations on the iPad.

Productivity isn't the primary goal, nor is it optimal for a 10" touch screen, but it sure as hell happens when you have a practical application that benefits from a very portable machine with a great screen and has display capabilities.

Practicality for applications are a product of form factor more than anything else. Anything else is a bulletpoint that may be cool in an "oh it can do that" sense but from a practical POV it is kind of pointless for most people.

I myself use it for web/IM/email and video, basically a lot of the same stuff I do on my normal machines. Clearly that is plenty for so many people, which is why it has sold so well.

And can a tm2 do this? :)

My 8GB RAM tm2 with a 500 GB Momentus XT flies. By your logic why game on an iMac, my sig rig is faster. And BTW, most of people in this forum with tm2, I'm not the only one, like them and don't think it's garbage, once again you're overhyping it.

No, a tm2 dosen't have that app. but lets not get into all of that, there's plenty a tm2 can do like actually have space for storing data!;)
Why put an uncompressed Blu Ray movie on an iPad? That is retarded given the lower resolution and diminishing returns with keeping the full bitrate. This isn't a 60" plasma, and it doesn't even make sense to do it on a normal notebook. Most movies compressed at that resolution at a bitrate that doesn't make harsh compromises in color accuracy or motion artifacts clock in between 1GB-2GB.

Think practically.

You do realize that the tm2 has an HDMI connector BUILT IN right? Hooks right up to that 60" plasma no sweat and drives it at 1080P. Instead of attacking stuff mercilessly that's not made by Apple just slow down a bit!;)
My 8GB RAM tm2 with a 500 GB Momentus XT flies. By your logic why game on an iMac, my sig rig is faster. And BTW, most of people in this forum with tm2, I'm not the only one, like them and don't think it's garbage, once again you're overhyping it.

I really really dislike HP's non-business laptops. A lot. :) If you and other people like them, cool. People like Kias too.

Also, nothing about a tm2 flies, not when you have that UI to deal with. Also, do people really like it? It is among the lowest rated and recommended laptops on HP's own website.

No, a tm2 dosen't have that app. but lets not get into all of that, there's plenty a tm2 can do like actually have space for storing data!;)

And there are higher quality notebooks that can also store data and create content, that's the point. And yes, as you say, let's ignore the specific things an iPad can do that normal notebooks cannot do because of its specialized technology and form factor, just ignore it because it doesn't fit your argument. :)

You do realize that the tm2 has an HDMI connector BUILT IN right? Hooks right up to that 60" plasma no sweat and drives it at 1080P. Instead of attacking stuff mercilessly that's not made by Apple just slow down a bit!

It isn't about Apple, it is about that particular laptop sucking, HUGE difference. I think Lenovos are badass, ditto most business class notebooks over $1500.

And if you want to use the tm2 for a mobile Blu Ray player, awesome. Most people buying laptops and 10" tablets aren't looking to use one as a Blu Ray player. They use, you know, Blu Ray players and physical Blu Rays. :)

Hell, I plug my MBP into my 60" plasma all the time and I would never think to rip 20GB-30GB movies to play off of it, such a tremendous waste of hard drive space. 4GB-6GB is probably as large as I'd go if I was so inclined, and 1GB-2GB is plenty for an iPad.

Bulletpoint features that are outside the realm of practical use of so many people, this is what so many people get wrong. Using inability to store Blu Ray size video files as a strike against the iPad, really?
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And there are higher quality notebooks that can also store data and create content, that's the point. And yes, as you say, let's ignore the specific things an iPad can do that normal notebooks cannot do because of its specialized technology and form factor, just ignore it because it doesn't fit your argument.

You keep mentioning that there are higher quality notebooks than the tm2. So how many of them have a digital pen, touch interface and a dedicated GPU? Hint, there's currently only one. And before you call this a list of bullet points I use all of these features on my tm2 EVERYDAY. So you call them bullet points and I call them ESSENTIAL features that not even the mighty iPad can replicate in full.

Bulletpoint features that are outside the realm of practical use of so many people, this is what so many people get wrong. Using inability to store Blu Ray size video files as a strike against the iPad, really?

Yeah, traveling and wanting to watch a movie is just so out there. Hell they have HDTVs in hotels these days. I've hooked up my tm2 to one and have watched movies. And NO ONE rips Blu Rays that's just crazy stuff! Better tell that to SlySoft!;) And with a USB BD drive the tm2 plays BD straight from disk. Oh well, another bullet point.

The ability to watch a movie in all of it's glory and connect to an HDTV is VERY useful and practical for a laptop, hell you just said you do it, just with crappier formats which seems odd for Mr. IPS Monitor. I rip my BDs to portable hard drives so I can copy stuff I want to my tm2 or just plug the drive in. But I guess now that that the iPad dosen't do all of that that of course these things are just bullet points.

And Star Walk, yeah, no bullet point there, completely practical and no doubt a must have app for everyone.;)
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The reason the iPad is so attractive is because I'm browsing the web, reading the news, while drinking coffee this morning before work. It's attractive because it's not been on the charger for ten hours, yet I'm sitting with 94 percent battery life. It's attractive because it was up and ready to go in less than a second.

When I travel, its attractive because its lightweight and doesn't require a recharge through multiple layovers.

Its easier to carry and maintain than a netbook.

For what I purchased it for, there isn't a piece of hardware that could do it better.
WOW! All this hype surrounding the IPAD. I see it as little more than a crippled game tablet. Lets see as a game tablet it lacks enough video or memory to really play anything but what I call bubble gum games. Movies, well! only if I upload them to Itunes 1st then download to the non-upgradable storage no external flash drive support, why bother fan fanatics will gladly pay extra later. Book reader , only in dim non reflective light and a good thing to as there are many instances of the IPAD over heating if left in direct sunlight . Surfing the internet, ehhh only certain non-flash enableds sites so forget a lot of the internet streaming web sites. And best of all you get all this for only 500 bucks to start. WOW what a deal!!!!! Don;t worry though Apple knows they have the 2010 version of the Hula Hoop and the FANatics will gladly pay for the bragging rights to this overpriced, overhyped hardware and will even "upgrade" as Apple slowly releases improved versions with options that the competition will release. Can't for the life of me see why someone would actually pay 500 bucks for what is essentially a non-foldable underpowered minmal storage netbook when you can get all capability with REAL storage and expansion for half the price from a cheap netbook! IPAD apps? yur kiddin right?
The reason the iPad is so attractive is because I'm browsing the web, reading the news, while drinking coffee this morning before work. It's attractive because it's not been on the charger for ten hours, yet I'm sitting with 94 percent battery life. It's attractive because it was up and ready to go in less than a second.

When I travel, its attractive because its lightweight and doesn't require a recharge through multiple layovers.

Its easier to carry and maintain than a netbook.

For what I purchased it for, there isn't a piece of hardware that could do it better.

ditto for me. It's great for travel. No need to take it out of my bag for the x-ray, and I've got my full up with movies and TV shows to watch.

My MacBook Pro stays home now. No need for it when my iPad does 95% of what I need on the road. The other 5% I can live without for the convenience the iPad provides
WOW! All this hype surrounding the IPAD. I see it as little more than a crippled game tablet. Lets see as a game tablet it lacks enough video or memory to really play anything but what I call bubble gum games. Movies, well! only if I upload them to Itunes 1st then download to the non-upgradable storage no external flash drive support, why bother fan fanatics will gladly pay extra later. Book reader , only in dim non reflective light and a good thing to as there are many instances of the IPAD over heating if left in direct sunlight . Surfing the internet, ehhh only certain non-flash enableds sites so forget a lot of the internet streaming web sites. And best of all you get all this for only 500 bucks to start. WOW what a deal!!!!! Don;t worry though Apple knows they have the 2010 version of the Hula Hoop and the FANatics will gladly pay for the bragging rights to this overpriced, overhyped hardware and will even "upgrade" as Apple slowly releases improved versions with options that the competition will release. Can't for the life of me see why someone would actually pay 500 bucks for what is essentially a non-foldable underpowered minmal storage netbook when you can get all capability with REAL storage and expansion for half the price from a cheap netbook! IPAD apps? yur kiddin right?

Ah, hater's gonna hate.

I don't have an iPad, because for my purposes it's not worth $500-$600 for it.

That said, I can understand how people would think, and have, uses for it. If my mom wanted to buy a laptop right now, I'd tell her to buy an iPad honestly. Because for what she uses a computer at home for, it would be everything she would need, w/o a lot of the headache that she (and I!) don't.

As has been pointed out, a couple of times, there isn't competition for the iPad right now. There are a couple of possible Android slates on the horizon that might be competition, but even they are ~$400-500, your netbook isn't instant-on, doesn't even have 1/2 the battery life, weighs 2-3X as much, is a lot thicker, and is slower due to running Win7 instead of iOS. Your netbook is easier to type on (maybe, if you're fingers aren't too fat), but the screen is smaller, and lower quality.

Rabidly Anti-Apple people are every bit as annoying as the rabidly Pro-Apple people.

Most people don't give a crap. They want their computer/toy to work, to do what they want it to do, and to do so with a minimal amount of headache. For a number of purposes, an iPad fits that bill quite nicely.
I look at it in this way

1. 1st I acknowledge different people have different needs. Therefore I generally try not to think one above the other unless it really need to be discussed in quantifiable way where absolutely unavoidable.

2. So I try to reflect about this

3. When computer was first invented, it's main purpose is to serve human.

4. But as technology advances into greater scale until today, it seems

4a. Sometimes the computer is not serving us, rather we are serving the computer.

I understand the usefulness of computing so no need to harp on repeated arguments. but I find myself less and less eager to spend my time serving the machines unless absolutely necessary.

So it has slowly morphed into the tune of "enjoys the benefits of modern technology with absolutely minimal baggage/overhead."

A well-designed slate/tablet/convertible/SmartPhone which ever ways you put it, as long as it is enabling device to serve us rather than us serving the technology is more interesting to me.

I can give you one real world example. When I first started out, I was crazy on Photography. I spent my valuable youthful time reading up on all photography-related materials. I spent hard-earned summer job money on expensive Photography gears. On fall season, it was not a session, but a "Photography operation" with full-gear to capture the best nature has to offer.

I wasn't wrong, I enjoyed that period of my life, if only it could be better spent. However, after years later, I finally accepted that kind of commitment is gone and I now only carry the prosumer compact camera for I am now closer to the spurs of the moment candid takes rather than changing lens/filters/locking tripods kind of situations.

It is similar for the computer. After years of dealing with network/services/desktop/servers/laptop/others and particularly mobs of angry users, I find myself absolutely want a simple/effective/intuitive/minimal-hassle/quick/finetune-capable device, and once I am done with it, absolutely minimal complication in packing it away. You know it, very much like my Prosumer-Compact-Camera.

There you go, a Touch-OS tablet device. Quick to boot, Easy to use, Long runtime, many more. iPad has some of the qualities but currently lack certain things. As a consumer with tech-background, I can understand the desire to have more features. Some will be available in future refinement of the iPad/iOS combination. For others, you probably need to find them in Android/RIM/MeeGo/WP7/WM7/Win7/WebOS tablets. For commoners, I suspect any reasonable branded upcoming tablets are capable as long as you have easy path to firmware upgrades, and I think iOS/Android excel in this area. Other tech tinkerers probably are aiming for Dual-Core-processor tablets due to their even bigger need for alternative usage/development.

Two things I really insist on if budget possible.
1. Like my compact camera to produce reasonable quality image, I really prefer quality tablet Screen
2. Like my compact camera capable of shooting max 500 snaps in one full charge, I really prefer long battery runtime.
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