What Mass Effect character are you playing?


Jan 15, 2004
First of all, this game is absolutely enthralling so far! I just finished the first mission and can't wait to jump back in!

I'm playing a Male Specialist: Spacer: War Hero
I'm working on leveling up so I can start getting bonuses to my Sniper Rifle (schweet!:D)

I'm still trying to figure everything out, and don't know how to use all of my team's special abilities yet, but I'm looking forward to learning.

Also Combat's not great, but it's not bad either. I'm enjoying it. I think the fact that everything's so pretty is one of the reasons why I haven't noticed any of the flaws yet.

Story is AMAZING! I'm hoping it stays strong, because if it does, then this will be GOTY!
Cant wait to get off work and pick this up! You are making me jealous!

Been waiting so long for this game
I keep hearing that the combat can be disappointing, mainly because it's more 'disconnected' than people expect. Everything is based on stats and numbers (as an RPG should be), more so than direct aiming. For example, the sniper rilfes are hard to aim and shake a lot - and the enemy doesn't even need to be in the sights to hit it. You just point in the enemies general direction and hit the fire button, and then your characters' ability, range, environment factors, etc.. take over and determine a hit or miss.

That's what I've been hearing at least. Don't know for sure, picking it up today!
I hope the combat is indeed disconnected. Last thing I want in an RPG like this is having to use twitch FPS skills to combat. Id much rather it be RPG like. Id rather the combat be almost an afterthought and be able to enjoy the actual story and RPG elements of the game, rather than dread having firefights every 3 feet.
For example, the sniper rilfes are hard to aim and shake a lot - and the enemy doesn't even need to be in the sights to hit it. You just point in the enemies general direction and hit the fire button, and then your characters' ability, range, environment factors, etc.. take over and determine a hit or miss.

That's a total fallacy. Your stats make you better, but they don't control the combat. I've been using the Sniper rifle a lot, and if you miss, then you MISS. You've got to be accurate, especially when you've got a swarm of Husks coming at you.
Male: Earthborn: War Hero: Adept

Picked it up last night at midnight. So far I've been able to put about an hour and a half into the game. Feels a lot like KOTOR, but sooo much more polished. The dialogue and story are definitely the games biggest strong points. Just 1.5 hours into the game and I'm totally sucked in, talking to everyone I meet. The game is absolutely fantastic.
I keep hearing that the combat can be disappointing, mainly because it's more 'disconnected' than people expect. Everything is based on stats and numbers (as an RPG should be), more so than direct aiming. For example, the sniper rilfes are hard to aim and shake a lot - and the enemy doesn't even need to be in the sights to hit it. You just point in the enemies general direction and hit the fire button, and then your characters' ability, range, environment factors, etc.. take over and determine a hit or miss.

That's what I've been hearing at least. Don't know for sure, picking it up today!
It's only disappointing if you (stupidly) go into this game thinking it's a shooter. It's not. It's an RPG to the core. Combat is stat based, meaning growing your character and leveling up is more important to the game than twitch based reactions.
That's a total fallacy. Your stats make you better, but they don't control the combat. I've been using the Sniper rifle a lot, and if you miss, then you MISS. You've got to be accurate, especially when you've got a swarm of Husks coming at you.

So if hitting is actually based around aiming, how do the stats make you better?
So if hitting is actually based around aiming, how do the stats make you better?

As far as I can tell it affects different weapons different ways- my C can only use Sniper and Pistol, but here's what I know for them:

Sniper: it steadies your hand so there's less drift and it becomes easier to control. It also reduces your overheat by a percentage.

Pistol: lessens the spread of your bullets, increases fire rate, boosts accuracy

Stats help, but you still have to be aiming at what you want to hit
As far as I can tell it affects different weapons different ways- my C can only use Sniper and Pistol, but here's what I know for them:

Sniper: it steadies your hand so there's less drift and it becomes easier to control. It also reduces your overheat by a percentage.

Pistol: lessens the spread of your bullets, increases fire rate, boosts accuracy

Stats help, but you still have to be aiming at what you want to hit

Ok, then this game is not for me. If i wanted to play an action game or FPS, i would buy it. If i want to buy a RPG, then this isn't it. I hate the FPS controls with a console controller and was actually looking forward to a game without those retarded controls but alas, my wish wasn't fullfilled once again.
Ok, then this game is not for me. If i wanted to play an action game or FPS, i would buy it. If i want to buy a RPG, then this isn't it. I hate the FPS controls with a console controller and was actually looking forward to a game without those retarded controls but alas, my wish wasn't fullfilled once again.

I don't know, sounds pretty cool to me. =)

Seriously though, if you're itching for an RPG, then The Witcher should be your first choice.
Ok, then this game is not for me. If i wanted to play an action game or FPS, i would buy it. If i want to buy a RPG, then this isn't it. I hate the FPS controls with a console controller and was actually looking forward to a game without those retarded controls but alas, my wish wasn't fullfilled once again.

The controls are actually streamlined pretty well, which I think is a result of the fact that this is a console only game.

if you have a friend who bought it I'd suggest giving it a test drive and seeing how you like it.

No, this isn't a shooter, but they did find a great way to make RPG combat more immersive
Good RPG combat to me means round based, strategically. Like it was in the late 80ies D&D titles.
Ok, then this game is not for me. If i wanted to play an action game or FPS, i would buy it. If i want to buy a RPG, then this isn't it. I hate the FPS controls with a console controller and was actually looking forward to a game without those retarded controls but alas, my wish wasn't fullfilled once again.
FPS = First Person Shooter. Just because a game has guns does not make a an FPS. Mass Effect does not play in First Person, and you'd be pretty borderline even calling it a shooter. The majority of the game takes place outside the combat. Combat is slow paced and can be paused at any time. This is not a twitch based game. As I said earlier, Mass Effect is most definitely an RPG to the core.
Anything where i have to aim manually with a console controller then. Whatever.
Racing games mostly. Console racing games are usually far superior to their PC counterparts.
Maybe I haven't described the combat very well. You can pretty much play it however you want to. The option is there to play it like a shooter, but the game also allows you to play it practically like a turn based game, pausing the combat and queuing up attacks for yourself and your squadmates (think KOTOR). And again, the combat is not the major gameplay element in Mass Effect.

There are probably plenty of good reasons not to buy Mass Effect, but worrying that you won't be able to aim well in combat isn't one of them. I'm not trying to tell you what you should or shouldn't like. If you don't want to play Mass Effect, I have no problem with that. However, if you're avoiding this game solely because of the camera, then you're missing out on an incredible game because of an incredibly trivial aspect of it.
Just got back from BB...picked it up on my lunch hour.:cool: I'm thinking of going female so I can see this lesbian stuff that got the B7 in Indonesia or somewhere..or is that really neccessary?:eek:
Racing games mostly. Console racing games are usually far superior to their PC counterparts.
QFT...PGR4 is lovely.:cool: Also, I really suck at FPS no matter if it's pc or console and I had a great time and did pretty well with both FEAR and Gears of War....I expect Mass Effect to require even less FPS skill than those two so it shouldn't be an issue at all.
QFT...PGR4 is lovely

It sure is!!!! Was my first purchase for the 360 together with Table Tennis :D

On a on-topic side note: I might rent it first and then buy it, depending on bad i suck at the controls.
I'm playing on casual difficulty because for me RPG's are not about the combat. (cheezy I know.) But it is fun! :)

Picked it up last night. Came in to work very tired this morning! ;)

Oh and I am a colonist, war hero, soldier. :)
Male, Soldier, Earth born, Survivor.

I have command of the ship and found all available party members. I'm current scouring the galaxy doing side quests.

Definitely a Bioware RPG. Having all the lines voiced over including the PC really helps with the immersion. My only disappointment with the story so far is the lack of a HK-47 / Whirlwind personality in the party (yes I know one of them is close but it seems toned downed) .

Combat is similar to Gears of War but just not as polished. I haven't played a lot with the biotic or tech powers but here are my experiences with soldier using an assault rifle.

Any character class can use any type of gun (Assault, Pistol, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle) but the class limits which ones can be leveled up (soldier can level up in any of them). The class also limits which armors the person can wear. The armors come in light, medium, and heavy. For most classes there is an armor attribute that can be leveled up. With a high enough armor skill the character can equip the next heaviest size of armor. There doesn't seem to be any draw backs for using the heaviest armor available.

As far as your stats go with aiming/shooting. The higher skill you have with a particular type of gun the more damage it does along with being more accurate. The sniper rifle (when zoomed) is the only gun that shoots exactly where the crosshair is. Every other weapon fires in a conical shape with the first shot being the most accurate.

So far the enemy AI isn't the brightest I've seen. They will usually follow you to a choke point such as a doorway. But the AI does take cover and tries to flank you whenever possible though.

I'm curious as to what people have experienced with the biotic powers in battle.
Well, I just got a copy on my lunch break. Picked up Uncharted, too. It's pretty rare that Colorado actually has a new release game on a Tuesday...let alone 2. No UT3 yet, though.

My plan is to play some sort of finesse character. In most RPG's I tend to play a Rogue or some blend of fighter and thief. Hopefully there's a character like that in Mass Effect.
Played through it as a Male Adept 1st go round. Kind of dissapointed at the length of the main story, but I didnt do many sidequest, so hopefully this go round (Female Engineer) will be a little different.
Im doing all kinds of sidequests and im about 5 hours in and still on the citadel. There is definitely plenty to do in this game if you just dont blow through the storyline.

Im playing a Male space hopping Infiltrator.

Enjoying every minute of it and i dont get to play it again until Sunday because im going out of town with the wife to my parents. :(
I did not get the game yesterday. Being an intern I am poor for the holidays and with a birthday coming up I was suppose to get this yesterday as an early bday present.

I am at the mercy of the parents to get this game. I am 2/3 way through the Revelations book and I plan to finish that today and pick up Mass Effect.

Hopefully I will be rocking a Male Engineer.
A few complaints about the game:

1. You can't choose your last name, meaning I couldn't play a lesbian named "Tits McGee". Instead, I had to make the ugliest man to ever walk the Earth. It's a bit of a consolation but Tits McGee would have been better.

2. The combat is far too twitchy for my liking. I was hoping I could be a bit more of a lazy ass with this game after suffering through FPS overload the past few months.

Other than those two minor quibbles, this game is fucking brilliant. I find myself not caring if the cutscene is five minutes long because it's so damned interesting.
A few complaints about the game:

1. You can't choose your last name, meaning I couldn't play a lesbian named "Tits McGee". Instead, I had to make the ugliest man to ever walk the Earth. It's a bit of a consolation but Tits McGee would have been better.

2. The combat is far too twitchy for my liking. I was hoping I could be a bit more of a lazy ass with this game after suffering through FPS overload the past few months.

Other than those two minor quibbles, this game is fucking brilliant. I find myself not caring if the cutscene is five minutes long because it's so damned interesting.

If the combat is too twitchy, you can turn the auto aim to easy and you just have to aim in the general direction for it to register.

I'm glad you couldn't rename the PC all the way, this way I actually feel like I have a part in the story, rather than NPC's referencing me vaguely like Oblivion.
If the combat is too twitchy, you can turn the auto aim to easy and you just have to aim in the general direction for it to register.

I'm glad you couldn't rename the PC all the way, this way I actually feel like I have a part in the story, rather than NPC's referencing me vaguely like Oblivion.

I don't care if it is more immersive that the name Shepard is forced onto the player. Last night when I had a few drinks in me, Tits McGee sounded like a brilliant idea.
Thinking about playing through as an evil male soldier and then as a good female biotic/engineer hybrid.
Last night when I had a few drinks in me, Tits McGee sounded like a brilliant idea.

Does it still seem brilliant now that you're sober (I'm assuming) :confused:

I don't care if it is more immersive that the name Shepard is forced onto the player.

Think of it this way: would you rather be stuck with a last name that you can't change...or have 1 of 2 options:

1) have a crappy cumputer (typo deliberate) voice synthesize your chosen name into the dialogue, or

2) have the PC be silent and everyone refer to you by a title only?
1. No mention of the mini-game in the manual. Just how the F does it work?
2. How do you go into cover?

1. No mention of the mini-game in the manual. Just how the F does it work?
2. How do you go into cover?

1. The only minigames I know of are when you try to open locked items (can't remember what the skills are right now) They're easy- a new screen comes up and it will show you a layout that matches the buttons on the controller:


The buttons will glow briefly, and that's your cue to press that button. For Easy level minigames you will have to press 3 buttons in the exact order it tells you. If you're too slow, even by a second, then you loose. It's really not hard. Just make sure you save before going into the minigame so you can reload and try again if you loose.

2) Cover's easy. When in combat mode (with weapon drawn) just walk into a surface to go into cover mode. For short cover you'll need to click left analog stick to crouch.
I saw the xyba pop up in the lock door minigame, but I guess I missed the glow.

Walking up is all I need for cover? I was hoping I had it wrong and that 'cover' would steady the crazy sniper rifle zoom. Ahh well.

Walking up is all I need for cover? I was hoping I had it wrong and that 'cover' would steady the crazy sniper rifle zoom. Ahh well.


The only way to reduce the drift on your sniper rifle is to level up in the sniper rifle skill