What memory is this?

Silent Assasin

Aug 1, 2004
I was doing some closet cleaning and found my ancient D-Link mp3 player. If I remember right, it can only hold like 8 - 10 songs. It does however have a memory expansion slot that looks foreign to me. I can't find any information on this old guy so I need your help figureing out what memory this thing uses.

It's a D-Link CMP-110. The AA battery is there for size comparison, it seems to be a rather large slot.


Oh, nice. I didn't even notice that. I did some google searching and did read another review on techspot about it, but it didn't list the media type.

Now, it seems like nobody even carries it without charging an arm and a leg for it.
I had that type of memory in an old digital camera. And you're right -- it's no longer being manufactured, so it's pretty pricey. I think you're better off getting a new $20 mp3 player that takes a more common memory size.
I had that type of memory in an old digital camera. And you're right -- it's no longer being manufactured, so it's pretty pricey. I think you're better off getting a new $20 mp3 player that takes a more common memory size.

Ya, I was just wondering what kind it was. Like I said, I haven't used the thing in a couple years. The only reason I bought it in the first place was a pricing error in a Best Buy add. It was supposed to be $149.99 but got listed at $14.99. Now that I see the prices, I don't think it will be coming out of retirement any time soon.