What nvidia card for 1680x1050 and 1920 x 1080?


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2007
What is the lowest type of nvidia card I could buy that will give me good frames (no sudden "lags" that will get me killed, maybe 76fps?) at high/max settings for games now and to come especially first person shooters at these resolutions, 1680x1050 and 1920 x 1080?

Please don't tell me I have to buy a 8800GTX card. :(

I will be getting quadcore cpu and 2 gigs of ram.
You dont... you can get an 8800GTS 640mb and it will handle it perfectly. If you had lower resolutions i would have suggested the 320MB but it doesnt perform as well in higher resolutions.
8800GTX. I had a 8800GTS and it could not maintain 50FPS+ all the time in GRAW at 1280x1024. Playing at 1920x1080 isn't going to help that. Get a 8800GTX and be happy.
I play on a 7900 GS OC, with the 24pp unlock, and I play CS:S on 1680x1050, maintaining great FPS, like 70 - 180 depending on various conditions of course. It rarely drops below that.
Trident, what kind of CPU do you have? It could be bottlenecking your videocard and thats why your FPS suck.
8800GTX. I had a 8800GTS and it could not maintain 50FPS+ all the time in GRAW at 1280x1024. Playing at 1920x1080 isn't going to help that. Get a 8800GTX and be happy.

that's because GRAW is a piss poor port from a console game to a pc game.....
that's because GRAW is a piss poor port from a console game to a pc game.....

You're right. Most people blame the hardware before the software. Look at HL2 engine , best graphic engine ever made for pc's . I remember it ran 90fps on my old 9800pro with almost everything on high.... Software is whats most important then hardware.
that's because GRAW is a piss poor port from a console game to a pc game.....

You're right. Most people blame the hardware before the software. Look at HL2 engine , best graphic engine ever made for pc's . I remember it ran 90fps on my old 9800pro with almost everything on high.... Software is whats most important then hardware.

Agreed on both counts. You can have the greatest hardware in the world and if the game engine is poorly programmed, it won't matter. It seems like lately there have been *many* poorly optimized titles released. "Release now and patch later" has definitely become the standard, but it seems like for many "patch later" hasn't even happened.
8800GTS seems to work real well at 1920x1200. You won't get 60fps solid with all detail turned up all the time, but I have yet to run in to anything that's not playable with max detail. FEAR runs at like 40FPS+ with max detail.

Also, if frame rate is really important you can always knock down detail a few notches.

Either way, the GTS has what it takes to do 1920x1200. The GTX will be faster, of course, but really you are probably better off getting a GTS, saving your money and upgrading sooner since graphics cards move so fast.
that's because GRAW is a piss poor port from a console game to a pc game.....

Um, actually, the PC and console versions of GRAW are almost completely different games made by completely different development companies... you have bad coding to blame for GRAW's performance.