what p4 board?


Mar 15, 2001
im gonna be bulding a computer for a friend very shortly.
He has a lot of money and he likes quality (his budget is around $3000cdn).
He's dead set on getting a 3.2 P4. Thats fine by me, only thing is, i know very little about p4 boards. I've never had the money to get a p4 so i follow amd. Anyway, i'm at a loss here. I dont know whats what and would like some help.
- must support 800mhz fsb (im sure that was obvious)
- Needs to have serial ata.
- possible overclocking

other than that im open to suggestions. I prefer abit and asus boards, but im not biased.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can go with possibly the best P4 Mobo, the Abit IC7-MAX3, with that kind of a budget. Although you can just settle for the much cheaper Abit IS7 and not have any problems with overclocking or stability. It just doesn't have a lot of fancy stuff that the MAX does. I'd say get the IS7 unless you plan on OC'ing hardcore. You can use the saved money for an extra SATA HD for a Raid-0.

There are a lot of reviews on this website on the various Intel chipsets from Abit. You should check them out and make your own opinion as well. There's the 875P (IC7), 865G (IS7-M), 865PE (AI7, IS7-E).
Either the Abit IS7 or AI7 would be good for the system for your friend. Alos, note the Abit 865/875 boards are compatible for the Prescott chips if he wants that.
Just be careful with the PrescHotts. There are reports circulating out there that they run so hot that they can damage motherboards.
I wouldn't go with a Prescott... when it seems like most of the northwoods are better and maybe cheaper (I don't know)

I'm going to throw in a vote for ASUS, either the board in my sig (which is fantastic and just as good if not better then the 875p intel chipset), or the p4c800d-e deluxe... on the not so budget side of things. (which does use the intel 875p chipset.)
DO NOT GET THE PRESCOTT!!! hardocp did an artcile where they tried to overclock it and they ended up melting some plastic cubes that they used to lift the motherboard off the table those cubes melted "into a liquid form". very scary!
thanks guys.

i've picked out the asus p4c800-e dlx due to lack of availability for the max3.

preciate tha help.
ill post specs later.
Abit AI7 is the performance king!

2.4C @ 3.416 284x12=1138 FSB 1.7v (watercooled)
Corsair 3200LLPT set at 5/4 3,3,3,7
9700Pro 406/337 ( driver version)

10,400 MIPS (SISandra)
6013 Memory (SISandra)
19,897 3DMark2001 SE
6,197 3DMark03

Nuf Said!