What Program do you use to edit your webpage?

I have not used the most recent version of Dreamweaver, but in the past it has been a real dog. It would make standards incompliant code and had many bugs. If you ever need to edit the code by hand it will also look ATROCIOUS and be tough to work with. This will happen with most WYSIWYG editors though. I prefer to write the code by hand and, as many have said, use vim or notepad++. If you need more IDE-like features, besides the ones others have already mentioned, you may want to look at Quanta++.
no, my comments were not directed at you, or anyone in particular for that matter. I was referring to people in general who think plain old Notepad is better than all the other options out there today.

My apologies then. I find notepad and pspad fit my needs well because they are simple and get the job done. All I do is simple website design, so I don't have use for anything fancy.
I have not used the most recent version of Dreamweaver, but in the past it has been a real dog. It would make standards incompliant code and had many bugs. If you ever need to edit the code by hand it will also look ATROCIOUS and be tough to work with. This will happen with most WYSIWYG editors though. I prefer to write the code by hand and, as many have said, use vim or notepad++. If you need more IDE-like features, besides the ones others have already mentioned, you may want to look at Quanta++.

times change a lot and Dreamweaver....and its been really good to me...but you can't go wrong with other editors too...i feel its more of a what you're used to and what is best to suit your needs
I amazes me that anyone would brag about using Notepad for anything but the simplest website. It would be torture for me to create a complex site without tag completion, code highlighting or site management tools.

I've created dynamic websites utilizing millions of rows from a SQL database with Notepad. You really don't need automatic tag generation if you know XHTML and CSS well enough. Plus if you code properly, you don't need to know if you've left a tag open as proper indentation will clue you in on that.

Then again, I've only been a web applications developer for 8 years so what do I know :)
Another vote for Notepad++ for the rare occassion I am coding in Windows. I have been using Geany for a while now in Ubuntu.
I code myself but use dreamweaver to do that. it helps in some cases and I am just used to the tool. but honestly, the way I use it is more like a notepad :)