What programming language would you recommend for a hair salon software from scratch?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
I have a (very cute female) friend who is the owner of a small hair salon (it's her and 3 or 4 girls working for her). She cuts my hair for free (not to mention free hair products and AMAZING service... I mean... WOW!) and I always told her that if there was anything I could do for her, then she should let me know.

She was looking at different software packages from different companies, but they want to charge her $2,000 and up, with some being $3,000 and up! So, she asked me and I told her I'd look into it. I was wondering how hard would it be to create something like that from scratch? It would be very simple at first:

* enter new customers and edit/delete existing customers (name, address, phone, miscellaneous, etc.)
* create entries for customers (date, service type, service name ,option 1, option 2, ... , option n, price, etc.)
* view reports on customers
* scheduling (date, time, and stylist) - this could be added at a later time

I just started playing around with Java again (my largest project was a Monopoly game that you could play over the network - I worked on it with a group of 3 other programmers and it was a final project for an Object Oriented Programming course I took in college a couple of years ago). I know I'm very rusty with Java and it would take a while to get back into it, not to mention the GUI would be a pain.

Is Visual Basic the way to go? C++? C#? I'm a beginner with all 3 of these, while an amateur with Java at best.

I was actually thinking this... since she'll be using a laptop and won't be using it much, I was thinking of installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL on her laptop. Then, creating a few PHP pages (I love PHP and am good with it, along with connecting to MySQL and writing SQL queries). I would then just simply place a shortcut on her desktop that she would click and it would point to http://localhost/index.php where she could choose an option (ie. ENTER NEW CUSTOMER, EDIT/DELETE CUSTOMER, ENTER NEW ENTRY, etc.)

I know that this is probably the worst out of all the other ideas, but I would do it fairly fast if it was in PHP. What do you guys think??? I'm looking for some serious input from all amateurs and pros.

I'm sure there has to be some off the shelf software you could use. I'd be wary of turning it into a full blown webapp since theres a lot of things that could go wrong, plus you'd have to deal with keeping it isolated/secure. Judging by your experience, it'll probably be the quickest way of getting things done, but you might want to think about making it into some standalone application.

You also might want to check out PyQT+Python.
.NET is what I would use to approach this problem. It's quickly becoming the standard of programmers for writing windows GUI based applications. It has support for everything you would need. Development time would be pretty short, and the program overall would be pretty trivial to write. A web application is a nice choice (and I'm currently implementing what probably should be a gui app as a web applicaton for a large client), but there are a lot more issues about this than just "oh let's connect to a database using PHP"

1. Website design
2. Usability
3. Security
4. Session handling, etc.

You might be able to get up and running faster with PHP, but problems like above will inevitably hold you back and make the project run longer than designing it as a classic GUI, in my opinion.

Don't know .NET? Then do whatever language you are comfortable in.
Don't swat a fly with a sledgehammer. The requirements can be easily satisfied with Access (or use BASE from OpenOffice, if you want to use something free.) Build the forms and reports in Access (or BASE) and be done with it.
I was also thinking Access. It'll probably cost her $200 or so for the software but will work.

If you really wanted to write a program (and not spend any $$$), Visual Basic is probably the easiest and is also free if you use the Visual Studio Express Edition, with SQL Express as the database. Both are free for production use.
Cardboard Hammer said:
Don't swat a fly with a sledgehammer. The requirements can be easily satisfied with Access (or use BASE from OpenOffice, if you want to use something free.) Build the forms and reports in Access (or BASE) and be done with it.

Yea I tend to agree with this. Access would do everything you said. Wouldn't be too hard to setup either with a good book. The web interface and all seems real nice but I think you are going overboard for such a small shop. Plus the access file will be simple to backup(which is important).
Here's another vote for Access. Don't kill yourself developing a webapp and full-blown DB for a small shop that probably doesn't need it.

Remember, if she's putting her business info in *your* app, she'll look to *you* to keep it running. Be prepared to provide support for the forseeable future. Keeping it simple now will help you later, too.
First of all, kudos for the free hair stuff...my girl is a stylist, and I love getting all that ish done for free. Anyway, the one thing that I would throw in there about a software 'package' for the salon is it needs to follow the KISS theory. Not saying the women are stupid or anything, but the more simple it is, the easier it will be for them to use everything, not to mention if some obnoxoius 16 year old receptionist works for them down the road.

I built (it's rather complex) a webapp that logically works the same way with SQL and Cold Fusion, and it took me forever to get it the way I wanted it. I don't knock the web app idea, but I think that if you are going to build something from scratch, you will be spending time on it. (and think about how much you would bill for your time vs. the free haircuts, products and color, etc, and she is making out big time. You better be getting something else on the side ;) )

I personally have thought about this same thing, taking my girl out of the salon, and have her run her own 1-woman shop, and what software we would use to keep everything straight, and I haven't seen anything that has jumped out at me that would be easy to use, and do all that it needs to do.
If you are going web based I would install something premade for her. SQL-Ledger is free and quite powerful. It can also be dumbed down for extremely simple accounting usage, for example, only allowing access to add/edit/view customers, add/edit/view job descriptions/dates for customers, and the ability to view reports (in this case). With software out there that is so good and also free I am not sure why you would want to redo it all your self. Unless of course you have a lot of free time and want to take on a pet project to enhance your skills (which is cool if that is the case).

One thing to note may be the need for her to get a simple, relatively inexpensive (~$500), server on site. It's cool you are willing to do this all for free, I have done similar, but she needs to understand there will be some material cost. A good anology may be when a friend (who is a mechanic) fixes your breaks. He does it all for free, or maybe a case of beer, but certainly does not buy the pads and rotors for you. A simple server/client (being the laptop in this case) shouldn't be too much to expect no matter how small of an operation.

If someone where holding a gun to my head saying do this from scratch ASAP! I would probably just make a quick Access (or BASE) front end in an afternoon and be done with it, like others ahve suggested. If we are talking real simple here (say ~500 customers) you could get a way with a couple nicely formatted (locked) spreadsheets.
The first thing I'd do in a case like this would be to look for some open source project that does most (or all) of the things you need.

If you can't find somethign to work with and have to start from scratch, I'd do it in whatever language you actually know already (unless you're itching to learn a new one).

There's some things to be said about Access but most of them involve words I try to avoid in mixed company.
Why worry about php security? Install a local server software like WAMP or the suggestion above and everything can run locally without outside access. Just set up WAMP to start with Windows or install it as a service.

He's going to face design and usability issues no matter how he programs it, so I fail to see how those are both strikes against a web app.
Wow! I didn't expect this sort of a turn out... thanks for all your replies! After spending about a half hour or so installing Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition which comes with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, I decided to look into the O'Reilly Visual Basic 2006 Jumpstart book that I received for free from Microsoft. After following some basic steps, I managed to create a basic app with a new connection to the database. I can't believe it's this easy!!! Granted, I did finish 4 years of college which taught me the ability to learn a new language, rather than learning actual languages. Plus, I'm sure I don't know the first thing about a large-scale project in VB.NET, but for what my friend needs.. I think it'll be fine.

Should I post my finished project on here for you guys to check it out? I'm guessing it shouldn't take more than 2 weeks (assuming anywhere from 0.25 to 1.5 hours per day). So, 2 weeks * 7 days / week * 0.875 hours on avg. / day = 12.25 hours. Feasible?
if it's not connecting to the web, why make it a web app?

this is exactly the kind of thing Access was designed for. The database itself is easy, then just create a nice front end using the Access form builder and you're done in an afternoon. Heck, I could whip this up in about 2 hours.
If I did want to use Access... would Access 2000 or Access XP suffice? Or, would you recommend the investment into Access 2003? Is the cost/benefit ratio low enough to justify the purchase of Access 2003?

Access XP and Access 2003 are pretty similar. I think there was a pretty big jump in features from 2000 to XP, but most of the changes from XP to 2003 were to do with working as part of a team and some XML integration.

About doing a web app or Access or VB, designing a form is much easier (imo) with Access or VB. You typically have more controls to choose from, and it's a lot easier to place them. You also don't have to worry about Internet Security settings.
Thanks for the info on Access XP vs Access 2003. So, if I did decide to go ahead and just stick with Access XP... what's the best way to learn it? I don't mean the SQL behind it and the queries... that I know very well. It's more the forms and creating the actual front-end for my friend to use, be comfortable with, and for it to be simple. F1 Help in Access? Books? Online tutorials? Or, just jump in and learn by doing?

Thanks, again! I'm meeting with her this morning (Wednesday, August 30th) to see what her requirements are... as in, what info about the customers does she need (name, address, phone, fax, notes, etc.) and what info about the transactions (transaction type, transaction name, option 1, option 2, ... , option n, etc.).

Thanks again for taking an interest in this, guys! Whatever I finish, I'll post here for you to thread-crap on :eek:

j/k :D
Wrox has a pretty good intermediate book, can't remember the name but it has some ugly woman on the front cover (maybe it's an even uglier guy, can't remember!) The MSPress books used to be good as well but I haven't used them since the Office 2000 days.
RavinDJ said:
Thanks for the info on Access XP vs Access 2003. So, if I did decide to go ahead and just stick with Access XP... what's the best way to learn it? I don't mean the SQL behind it and the queries... that I know very well. It's more the forms and creating the actual front-end for my friend to use, be comfortable with, and for it to be simple. F1 Help in Access? Books? Online tutorials? Or, just jump in and learn by doing?

i'd just play with it. It's surprisingly easy to get a decent front-end up and running in Access. All you're basically doing is dragging and dropping widgets.
maw said:
i'd just play with it. It's surprisingly easy to get a decent front-end up and running in Access. All you're basically doing is dragging and dropping widgets.

Cool... yeah, I'll play around with it. I met with her today and she told me all the things she needs... so, with all the requirements in hand.. I told her I could do it by Tuesday (not the day after Labor Day, but the following Tuesday). And, naturally... I'm getting a free haircut on Friday and she teased me about that Tuesday and told me what she's going to wear :D (or, should I say... won't wear) :eek:

I'll play around with it and I'll keep you posted!
RavinDJ said:
Cool... yeah, I'll play around with it. I met with her today and she told me all the things she needs... so, with all the requirements in hand.. I told her I could do it by Tuesday (not the day after Labor Day, but the following Tuesday). And, naturally... I'm getting a free haircut on Friday and she teased me about that Tuesday and told me what she's going to wear :D (or, should I say... won't wear) :eek:

I'll play around with it and I'll keep you posted!

After all the help and advice we gave, the least you can do is pics. ;)
Sorry i just thought i would point out this is like a nerdy letter to penthouse.

Theres this cute girl that cuts my hair....... This may sound like a crazy fantasy but i assure you every word of it is true :p
justin82 said:
Sorry i just thought i would point out this is like a nerdy letter to penthouse.

Theres this cute girl that cuts my hair....... This may sound like a crazy fantasy but i assure you every word of it is true :p

I believe him, that's how I met my girlfriend, and now I'm a pampered pretty boy, lol, it's kinda nice
My GF is a hairdresser and is opening her own salon/spa in December. It has fallen on me to build her the same software as you're describing. I'm still debating whether to do it using MS-Access Forms (which I'm comfortable with) or to use Visual Studio Express (free) and make it a standalone executable with a SQL Server Express (free) back-end, but there'll be a bit of a learning curve there.
SilverMK3 said:
My GF is a hairdresser and is opening her own salon/spa in December. It has fallen on me to build her the same software as you're describing. I'm still debating whether to do it using MS-Access Forms (which I'm comfortable with) or to use Visual Studio Express (free) and make it a standalone executable with a SQL Server Express (free) back-end, but there'll be a bit of a learning curve there.

again, why bring in a sledgehammer to swat a fly? why use a bulldozer to squash and anthill? use the right tool for the job, don't make this more complicated than it really is.

if it's not connecting to the web, if it's only going to used on one computer, if it's not storing sensitive data, then why the need to build a full-blown application?
It could also be a good learning experience, and something that looks nice on a resume.
98EXL said:
because you can....one of my favorite words is overkill

and we wonder why the world is so full of bloated, buggy software... :rolleyes: