what quad do i get


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2007
$230 for a q6600
$262 for a q8200
$328for a q9400

I dont want to spend more than this on a cpu, I do not know hwich best value for money is, the q6600 seems like a great deal with 4mb of l2cach as oopose to the 2 or 3 others, i am happy to overclock. also, should i even upgrade to quad? Its mainly just for future, i mean, i dont heavily multitask, would like to do some video editing one day soon, run cs3 for my degree, i play games and surf the web mainly... thoughts and answers, feel free to give advice or alternatives, This is AUS dollars by the way :)
If you're going to get one of those, go for the Q6600 (by the way it's got 8mb L2 cache). But for what you'll be doing, an E8400 seems to be very popular and better suited for a little less money.
yer? thanks for the info, I just thought quad will be better for future proofing somewhat...
I would go with the Q6600 for the exact reasons you just said. And browsing the web while playing around in CS3 will greatly benefit from the Quad core.
q6600 and o/c it. Not worth paying a $100 premium for
i dont heavily multitask, would like to do some video editing one day soon, run cs3 for my degree, i play games and surf the web mainly
thanks guys, legends :), ill go to q6600 but why is there a premium on the others? like why arent they betterchoices, what do they offer? to be more money...
thats the thing though, it is less cache, than the 2 i mentioned, 6600 is 8mb, 8200 is 4mb, 9400 is 6mb thats why i am so confused, so jsut a die shrink and higher stock clocks
so jsut a die shrink and higher stock clocks

Also, note the age of those CPUs: The Q6600 was released about two years ago while the Q9400 and Q8200 were released barely this year. So the Q6600 has had a lot of time to reach mass production and for pricing to drop.

Oh and the Q9400 is roughly 7% faster on average than the Q6600. Coupled with the lower energy usage, for some, that might be worth an extra $100 AUD ($80 difference here in the US)
I just got a Core 2 Extreme QX6700, Yay! But i have a 8600 GTS as my Video card, so in my games i dont see a big difference,

But they are discontined.
thanks guys, legends :), ill go to q6600 but why is there a premium on the others? like why arent they betterchoices, what do they offer? to be more money...

the q9400 is a cut down q9450 (1/2 cache) and the q8200 is a cut down something as well. the q9400 is a good deal if you need/want SSE4 or 45nm for some reason. they will be slightly faster clock for clock, but the q6600 overclocks well enough that this doesn't really matter. the fact it's still recommended speaks more about the quality & OCability of the q6600 than drawbacks of the q9xxx series. the price difference is only because of the age difference in the products.

if you want to go higher there are the q9550 and q9650. there are extreme quads too.
ok... so the q6600 it is then, what about sse4? what uses this, and whats it do? ... sorry if thats a noob question, will it become more important in the future?
Why upgrade now at all? If you aren't hurting, and it doesn't sound like you are, based on your current system and what you use it for, then wait for Nahelam to come out in a couple of months and grab a used upgrade off the for sale forum - lots of guys will be unloading good stuff when they jump to Nahelam. No sense buying now when new tech comes out in two months unless you really need the upgrade.
I agree.

Considering you "don't heavily multitask" and mainly "play games and surf" and are really considering a quad "for the future", I'm not sure why everyone is recommending you throw out your relatively new E6750 and replace it with the older Q6600.

I'd stick to the E6750, which is a fine CPU, and only upgrade to a new system that gives you a significant increase in performance when it makes sense, meaning when you find your E6750 a bit to slow for your liking.
sse4 isn't entirely important to most of us and you should not worry about it. how much this changes in the future is subjective, based purely on which apps one happens to use frequently, but even then it probably won't be groundbreaking. unlike previous simd enhancements from intel sse4 is not only aimed at multimedia tasks, but that is often where sse has provided speedups in the past. it won't unlock anything unavailable to those without see4, a few specific tasks will just be a bit quicker is all.

looking at reviews & benchmarks will back this up. in some benchmarks 45nm cpus see small gains at the same clock because they are slightly faster than 65nm chips, but that's it so far.

edit: forceman & echn111 make a good point. i'd heed their advice.

forceman & echn111: i think the reason no one mentioned it was because carnag3 asked which quad he should get, i.e. he had made up his mind.
Just skimmed the thread, but on the front page there is a link for a Q6700 for less than your listed Q6600... just a thought...
pc that 6750 to its maximum and just stick with it..the money you want to spend on a quad,save up for a new gfx card
Just skimmed the thread, but on the front page there is a link for a Q6700 for less than your listed Q6600... just a thought...

OP is from Australia. Q6700 deal doesn't apply for him.
How about a Q9550 for $280 USD. If you're going to get a Quad, get this one and order fast. I doubt that price will last.

EDIT: Crap, I just read and realized you're Down Under. That deal probably won't apply to you :(
How about a Q9550 for $280 USD. If you're going to get a Quad, get this one and order fast. I doubt that price will last.

EDIT: Crap, I just read and realized you're Down Under. That deal probably won't apply to you :(

That is a good deal.

I'd order it if it were listed as an E0 stepper.