WHAT? Release of Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

ZX6Master said:
It'll get pushed back to late Summer or early Fall. Mark my words.

dualy noted.


Like other games I am interested in, this will most likely be pushed back.
They changed the release date to March a while ago...it's nothing new....
ZX6Master said:
It'll get pushed back to late Summer or early Fall. Mark my words.

Agreed. It will be released in summer. The dual-release (PC/X360) is tying them up, and they want to get as much of it right as possible before its release.
the official word was.

the game was finished but when they got the finaly dev kit hardware they didnt relize how powerfull the xbox 360 was so they went back in and are reworking some stuff to make it better etc.
Filter said:
the official word was.

the game was finished but when they got the finaly dev kit hardware they didnt relize how powerfull the xbox 360 was so they went back in and are reworking some stuff to make it better etc.

...and Half-Life 2 was really delayed because the source code was stolen :rolleyes:

If they were trying to maximize the power of the Xbox 360 because they thought they could do better, they'd keep this game in development for four more years.

I've forgotten which developer said it, but there comes a time when you've got to accept what you got and release the title. If developers kept games in studio until they had everything they wanted in the game, store shelves would be bare.
ZX6Master said:
...and Half-Life 2 was really delayed because the source code was stolen :rolleyes:

If they were trying to maximize the power of the Xbox 360 because they thought they could do better, they'd keep this game in development for four more years.

I've forgotten which developer said it, but there comes a time when you've got to accept what you got and release the title. If developers kept games in studio until they had everything they wanted in the game, store shelves would be bare.

QFT, are patches really all that bad anyway?
Yeah i don't remember hearing a good excuse for the delay. I'm so pumped about this game. hopefully it comes out at the current release date, and hopefully it runs good on my computer, i really don't want to get this game on 360. But i do have my new 32" lcd coming tomorrow so i can finally play shit in 720p.

I dunno, morrowind had the 2 expansion packs, and i'd rather buy those than rebuy the whole game on 360 when they put out the special version with the extra content. they might put them out for d/l i suppose tho, being as how the 360 has this big ol' hard drive.
ZX6Master said:
...and Half-Life 2 was really delayed because the source code was stolen :rolleyes:

If they were trying to maximize the power of the Xbox 360 because they thought they could do better, they'd keep this game in development for four more years.

I've forgotten which developer said it, but there comes a time when you've got to accept what you got and release the title. If developers kept games in studio until they had everything they wanted in the game, store shelves would be bare.

They didn't say they were going to maximize the power, just make better use of it. I read an article that said there were issues with the frame rate and pop-up, which would have made it into the final game if they released it on nov 22. The article went on to say that the content is finished, and now it is just being optimized and bugs are being worked out.

True, no game will ever be perfect and they have to draw the line and release it sometime, but in many cases delaying the game allows for a much better one. Pretty much all of the good nintendo games are delayed, but they always turn out to be classics. Good developers choose a release date as a goal to keep production going smoothly. Good developers also will take any "extra" time they can to really finish/polish their games.
Its been rumored that Oblivion has been done for WEEKS. However, MS gave the dev a final dev kit for the 360 and they realized they had TONS more room to push the game. They pushed back launch dates for both the 360 and PC in order to tweak the game and push every last drop out of it.

I'd expect a Q1 launch.
They had better be polishing the pc version too, not just spending all their time
on the x360's graphics.
It will launch in Q1. The different video demos and latest interview have shown that it is fluid and complete on the PC. However, the 360 demos have not been satisfactory with short view ranges and frame slow downs. They're just finishing it up. I'm guessing February or March.
Chomp said:
They didn't say they were going to maximize the power, just make better use of it. I read an article that said there were issues with the frame rate and pop-up, which would have made it into the final game if they released it on nov 22. The article went on to say that the content is finished, and now it is just being optimized and bugs are being worked out.

True, no game will ever be perfect and they have to draw the line and release it sometime, but in many cases delaying the game allows for a much better one. Pretty much all of the good nintendo games are delayed, but they always turn out to be classics. Good developers choose a release date as a goal to keep production going smoothly. Good developers also will take any "extra" time they can to really finish/polish their games.

Super QFT! Some devs that I like for doing this type of thing would be Blizzard, ID software (originators of the "It's done when it's done mentality"), Epic games just to name a few. And when you got a hold of their games they are just about perfect straight out of the box, no big-ass patches later on to get features working or get things optimized thats what the delayed release date was for when it came to these devs. And then they turn around and actually use the post game release patching cycle for adding content as well as taking the communities ideas and trying to implement them. I'm of the strong opinion that EA should have given a alot of more time to DICE to do this very thing for BF2. Nobody in their right mind can say that game was released when it should have been.
Considering the complaints about Q4 on 360 in another thread, I'd say this is a smart move. Looking forward to the game though, I'll probably get it.
its finished, there "optimizing" the game for release only thing is that usually includes stripping it down to get it running on the platforms there aiming for.....who said this? a dev thank you(no its not official bethsada word but no one said you have to listen to me)
Chomp said:
I read an article that said there were issues with the frame rate and pop-up, which would have made it into the final game if they released it on nov 22. The article went on to say that the content is finished, and now it is just being optimized and bugs are being worked out.

This game was originally supposed to be released...when? Late Summer/Early Fall of 2005? It doesn't take six months to optimize a game that is "finished". I understand that there isn't a button somewhere that they can press to tighten things up, but that's bullshit.

Developers rarely ever tell you the truth about what they're doing. Why? Because if they told you the game wasn't done at the time that they previously said it would be, you would lose faith. By saying they're holding it back to be "optimized", it makes them seem like some noble entity that is trying to get the best product out to people.

You can pretty much bet the farm on this game having serious issues when it is released, regardless of 5~6 months of "optimizing".
They said that it was delayed simply because......they weren't done.

I see so many people always say "I'd rather a game get delayed and then get fixed up/polished then get released super-buggy." Then it happens and people turn to the other foot and go the complete opposite, you can't ever please anyone.
ZX6Master said:
This game was originally supposed to be released...when? Late Summer/Early Fall of 2005? It doesn't take six months to optimize a game that is "finished". I understand that there isn't a button somewhere that they can press to tighten things up, but that's bullshit.

Developers rarely ever tell you the truth about what they're doing. Why? Because if they told you the game wasn't done at the time that they previously said it would be, you would lose faith. By saying they're holding it back to be "optimized", it makes them seem like some noble entity that is trying to get the best product out to people.

You can pretty much bet the farm on this game having serious issues when it is released, regardless of 5~6 months of "optimizing".

It isn't 5-6 months of optimizing. The original date was November 22, and now it is first quarter of 06. This would be 4 months at the very most. I believe it is very close to release because they have been giving out specific people a new build of the game to try out for a day. All these people have found no glaring errors with the AI or anything else. Of course, this is on the PC and the 360 is the version that is still being optimized so that the frames are smooth and the view distances are satisfactory.