What Role Does Government Play in Web Security?

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
The Associated Press has a piece about the government’s role in Internet security. Judging by the heated exchange in last month’s post about that bill that gave the US president emergency control of the Internet, this is a hot topic for many of our readers. The debate rages on in Washington, according to the article.

So far at least 18 bills have been introduced as Congress works carefully to give federal authorities the power to protect the country in the event of a massive cyberattack. Lawmakers do not want to violate personal and corporate privacy or squelching innovation. All involved acknowledge it isn't going to be easy.
Really, I hate the government, but it can't be ignored that something like this would eventually become necessary. This scenario is not much different than the government being able to close off roadways / passage to certain areas in the event of a crisis.

However, the only way this bill should ever be enacted is if there is a clause stating that the government is unable to use any information against those not directly involved in an immediate threat to national security. For example, maybe they see someone downloading a crapton of movies / etc..., but they could perform no acts based off this information unless it is a direct threat to national security--like if instead of distributing a song you were distributing blueprints detailing the weaknesses in the structural integrity of the pentagon or something.

As long is there is a clause in there that says no information about you will be kept / stored and there are actually verifiable safeguards in place to ensure the government doesn't "inadvertantly" store / monitor peoples' information, it's a necessary measure in a digital world.
The government first needs to prove that they can secure their own networks before they try and secure every one elses. :rolleyes:
What Role Does Government Play in Web Security?

none at all. anything that is related to the internet... just stay out of it.
I think government involvement should be limited to setting guidelines for the ISPs and website operators and software producers.... combined with using the power of the NSA's monitoring. Since they watch everything anyway, why not have a program to identify botnet and other malicious activity, track it to its source, and have the appropriate ISP turn off access.

Certainly for botnets, they can seriously impact the problem. Your infected PC behaves a certain way as a botnet element, they ID you, report youo to your ISP who shuts you off and sends you a notice in writing that you are infected and until you clear the problem, your access is shut off.... and all other ISPs blacklist you. Fix your PC or no access.

Add a three strikes clause and the idiots of the net will soon be educated or banned.

But only the NSA has the power to actually pull something like that off. As for international threats.... since the US government runs it, why not implement banning entire nations if required... including BOMBING ISP facilities to cut thier internet nuts off.

Just a thought, since we are in police state mode anyway, do something useful.
I think government involvement should be limited to setting guidelines for the ISPs and website operators and software producers

so basicallly full control?

i dont want the government dictating to me how i can run my site or dictating to my ISP how to run their company.

Certainly for botnets, they can seriously impact the problem. Your infected PC behaves a certain way as a botnet element, they ID you, report youo to your ISP who shuts you off and sends you a notice in writing that you are infected and until you clear the problem, your access is shut off.... and all other ISPs blacklist you. Fix your PC or no access.

So i have one computer, it gets a virus, my other 2 are fine, so now my other 2 get cut off, which i would of used to fix my bad one... great solution.

Add a three strikes clause and the idiots of the net will soon be educated or banned.

So, i download X program, turns out is has some new virus i get infected
2nd time, my computer gets hacked via some method due to a flaw in say Safari...
3rd time, my ISP virus scanner on their email service they provide again misses some new exploit and gets my computer infected

so then i get punished for it?

How about this,. stay out of my buisness, i pay for your service, let me use it, unless my computer alone is bringing down your network... piss off!