What Scripting Language do you use/recommend?


Jan 8, 2003
I'm a Network Admin that's primarily responsible for a Windows shop however I do/will have a few *nix boxes floating around primary as our VMWare hosts and perhaps a server to host a Wiki. I'm trying to decide on a scripting language to learn that will be both useful and not crazy to learn. I'm curious as to what scripting languages you use and/or if you have any recommendations?

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Since I haven't done much looking yet, can do logon/logoff scripting with Powershell in addition to other scripting tasks?
For the *nix boxes learn how do to shell scripting. Bash if primarily Linux or GNU based, other wise try and be a bit more general with the basic bourne style shell scripting which bash expanded upon.
Since I haven't done much looking yet, can do logon/logoff scripting with Powershell in addition to other scripting tasks?

If powershell is installed on the Client. Otherwise, batch files are natively supported on Win9x and above. Vbscript are natively supported on Win XP. Windows 2000 supports vbscript, but it depends on your version of IE. Windows 98 will support vbscript depending on your version of IE, and may have to update the script-hosting engine. Powershell is supported under WinXp and above, provided that the shell engine is installed.

If you're new, stick to powershell. It's the combination of VBscript and Batch script. VBscript is powerful, but more programmer oriented. Powershell is more like batch scripting, but you can do so much more. For instant, in a regular batch file you can't really do much of anything other than piping and variables. But in powershell you can do nested pipe and queries. Go check out Microsoft Scripting Guy's site, see some examples.http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/default.mspx