What should I do?


Mar 18, 2006
I'm moving out in two weeks and into my own apt living alone. I work three 12 hours shift a week and I am not in a relationship... That leave the rest of the week without anything to do...

I'm thinking of reinstalling WoW... I miss it as I haven't played it since June 2007. Still have a level 70 Shadow Priest waiting for me...

No I won't be siting front of the computer 24/7. I do acutally get out to execrise... shop... pay bills etc etc.

Should I do it?
No you shouldn't, getting your own apartment is the perfect time to get a good social life going.
Avoid WoW. That game just.. makes me sick. I agree with Spare-Flair's advice. Get a social life going, and play some FPS games (that you can quit anytime).
Yeah, I second the whole FPS thing. That way you're not really locked into spending large chunks of time doing anything.
I have been living alone for about a month now, and i think even if you install WOW, or anyother game, it wont be that big of a deal, since you'll be free all the time, you would be able to do both play & f**K, i am a PES 2008 addicit, and i haven't played that game for more than a week ... lol, own apartment = never know whats going to happen 2morrow... lol
do whatever you want now and dont regret later, things change when your married with kids ie no time for shit.:cool:
No you shouldn't, getting your own apartment is the perfect time to get a good social life going.

QFT. Stop being a pansy and get yourself a women.

Not to be a dick, but gods honest truth. You can always game on the side, but don't start a time consuming MMO like WoW. Use your time more productively and go out and actually live life.
It's unamimous. Your going to enter the peak period of your life where you have as few responsibilites as possible. Use it to branch out socially and deflower as many women as you choose. Sitting alone in your underwear playing wow can't seem comparable.

FPS =no yes, MMO = no
WoW is a screwed up mess at the moment. Casuals have ruined things since TBC, even more so in the last few months. If you want to come back, come back for WOTLK, not at the tail end of this poorly done expansion.
No you shouldn't, getting your own apartment is the perfect time to get a good social life going.

wat is that

seriously though. a social life is like any other hobby(optional). so take up rock climbing, getting boxing lessons, get a social life, do whatever makes you feel good.