What sleeving is this?


Limp Gawd
May 29, 2007
I got this very nice sleeving on a fan that I ordered a few years ago(I think it was from Performance PCs, but I'm not positive) and I've always wondered which kind it was. It's not really woven or braided like other sleeving, in that the ends don't come undone, and you can't see through it whatsoever.

The top two sleeves are the type I'm trying to identify. The bottom one is the kind I normally use, that is very see-through and doesn't bend well.

Edit: I think it might be this stuff, but it would be nice to be certain before I order a bunch.

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I agree with WorldExclusive but If you want to buy sleeving go with mdpc-x!!! Amazing sleeving! :D
Are you 100% positive? :p

Nope, but the weave is almost identical, so that has to be it.
The weave is usually something exclusive to the company that makes it.

Send the photo you have to PPCS and have them confirm it.

But my personal choice, MDPC-X sleeving and heatshrink are the best.
if it's some sort of flexible braided sleeving, it's probably some derivative of Techflex;

-Flexo PET
-Flexo Clean Cut
-Flexo Tight Weave
-Flexo Remix
-Flexo F6
-Flexo Wrap
-Flexo Overexpand
-Flexo Grip Wrap

There is also a whole bunch of heavy duty braided sleeving (metal, kevlar, teflon, flame retardant and exteame temperature versions) but there are just too many to list & i'm lazy.

you can check them out on the manufactures website;

i purchased around 200 metres (600+ feet) of the stuff (Flexo PET) from wirecare;

their prices are a fair bit cheaper than the PC mod shops (performance PC, jab-tech et al), especially in large quantities.
The Techflex Flexo PET looks to be the somewhat stiff, see-through stuff judging by the pictures on PPCs. Definitely not what I would be looking for.
The red sleeving is from PPCS and is the PET Flex Tech Sleeving - It is round and not flat when you get it, like most, and it is pretty dense weaved.

The Black/red is from a UK company that has their own - it is more translucent than the red PET sleeving. If you got the fan from PPCS - I bet it was the PET Techflex.



I have not tried the MDP-X Cable sleeving yet, so I cannot comment on it. I have used the PET and really liked it. It was not translucent like the red/black I have and was really easy to use. I had to make sure all my wires were the same colors so it would not affect the appearance of the black/red cables, because yellow wires under it you could tell were different than the red ones, causing the colors to appear different shades even though you could not directly see the cable under the sleeving. Where the red it did not matter - all stayed the same shade, so the PET IMO is pretty decent coverage and very easy to use and I did buy it from PPCS.

From what I can see in your picture above - I can almost lay money it was the Techflex PET.

Hope that helps - these images are close shots, so you should be able to compare weaving. There are more shots at www.flicker.com/photos/frank2011
The Techflex Flexo PET looks to be the somewhat stiff, see-through stuff judging by the pictures on PPCs. Definitely not what I would be looking for.

the standard Techflex Flexo PET is very flexible. certainly more flexible than the wires your trying to stuff in them.
regarding the see thru aspect, if you try stuffing a thick gauge wire thru a thin sleeve, sure the colour of the wire insulation will show through.

for standard 18 gauge wire used in all the power cables from a PSU, 1/8 inch sleeving is fine. you'd have to strain your eyes or be under a bright light to see the wire insulation colour. if you require complete opaque look the tighter weaves might be better;

Flexo Tight Weave


Flexo Overexpanded

shit trying to discern differences between various sleeve weaves is making my eyes hurt.
unless you've got your head inside the case, it's difficult to tell the difference. maybe i'm just getting old.

i'm getting confused now. how many different manufacturers' make this stuff anyway. i'm not talking about the various pc online mod sites, some of whom don't list the actually maker of sleeving. i know there is Techflex who manufacture a shit load different sleeving with a variety of materials. who are the other players?
MDPC is the ORIGINAL and best, everything else is just copies and the colors are unpleasant in comparison.
With the post of fantomau and The1stCAV, I can say these sleeving are very similar to MDPC!