What the..... - LOOK AT THIS!


They got the voltage to 4.27V and the Processor to 3.8GHz. That is nuts!!!
I wonder why the CPU didn't explode or vaporize or whatever even before they took the heatsink off. The fan wasn't spinning, and it looked like the heatsink was not even attached, it looked like it was just sitting there.
It would be really cool IF the CPU exploded to pieces and blew that heatsink off :D
oh its fake? its amazing how it looks like the cpu vaporises, not even a peice of it blows out.
thunderstruck! said:
how is it fake?

well first off, getting a Duron too be windows stable @ 3.8ghz with an unplugged heatsink is just obscenely rediculous. And anyway a cpu wouldn't explode like that, definetly not with enough force to blow a hole through a table and mobo. It would most likely melt or burn. Plus if you look at them blowing up a P4 in the next video you can see someone under the table doing something before it blows. Its funny to watch, but you can't take it seriously.
The explosion was real. I think the clock speed and the voltage may have been altered though. I doubt that the Duron would survive booting at 4.2+ volts without a big ass fan on that heat sink.
It's funny yes......but fake. Anyone that thinks it isn't...has alot to learn.... :p
i dunno how people can call that fake, theres this MAGICAL little thing called clockgen as well :)

and theres a P4 exploding video and they DO blow the heatsink off the processor...
0mega said:
i dunno how people can call that fake, theres this MAGICAL little thing called clockgen as well :)

and theres a P4 exploding video and they DO blow the heatsink off the processor...
Link? That should be fun :p
EgyptBoy20 said:
Wow...I wonder if someone can get an opterOWN to do that :eek:
That would be blasphemy. They did it on P4, so it was OK.

Couldn't this easily be done with a firecracker or something? What could account for the home in the motherboard, and the low temperatures because that guy was holding the CPU soon after the explosion.

For the record, their accents are funny. :) Allo allo.
It was done with an explosive device from under the table. A firecraker would be enough. The hole in mobo and table should be enough to easily tell you its fake. Anyone tahts ever destoyed a CPU knows they dont blow up. They melt and fry.
Like I and others said.....it is fake. Those that think it is real, hey, I got some ocean front property in Lousiana I need to sell. Great view, freshly cleared for rebuilding. :p
This video is OLDDDD and FAKEEEE, you noobs that believed it have alot to learn, they did it with a firecracker or other small explosive device.
lol at the people who didn't immediately know it was fake.

Among other things the fact that the voltage could get to 4.2 without any mods done to the board :rolleyes:
TheRapture said:
Like I and others said.....it is fake. Those that think it is real, hey, I got some ocean front property in Lousiana I need to sell. Great view, freshly cleared for rebuilding. :p
I assume your talking about the hurricanes, but if your trying to quote George Strait, it's "Ocean Front Property in Arizona." :p.
Oline61 said:
I assume your talking about the hurricanes, but if your trying to quote George Strait, it's "Ocean Front Property in Arizona." :p.

dude...I am from Texas :p I know George Strait :D

Yes, it was a reference to Katrina....
Yes if you look hard on the P4 one you can see a guys hand under the table. If it was real why would they waste these computer?
I laughed my ass off the first time I saw this about 6-8 months ago. Showed it to a friend and they thought I was a bit odd and wanted to know what was so funny. :D What we never figured out was where the accent of the voices were from as it sounds European.
It can't be real. Can you just imagine how hot it must get and he picks it up like nothing.
Top Nurse said:
I laughed my ass off the first time I saw this about 6-8 months ago. Showed it to a friend and they thought I was a bit odd and wanted to know what was so funny. :D What we never figured out was where the accent of the voices were from as it sounds European.

Sounds German (ish) to me....
they shoot the cpu/mobo/table with a gun [why there's no sound] a firecracker wouldn't get through the mobo/table. the screen is done with a cascaded duron
The only thing that worries me more than some people thinking it was real is the people who don't immediately recognise the accent as being French...do you guys live under a rock or something?

Anyway, the whole in the table was probably there already. Wouldn't take much of a force to propel the processor up into the air like that.
Megadeth_Guy01 said:
This video is OLDDDD and FAKEEEE, you noobs that believed it have alot to learn, they did it with a firecracker or other small explosive device.
You really shouldn't be calling other people "noobs", especially here. It's not nice, or appropriate. I'm sure you were once a "noob" too :(

Cool video though. Things that explode are fun :)
TheRapture said:
Sounds German (ish) to me....
i dont know if they were real accents, but definitely german, ramstein was playing in the background, further going towards my thinking its german. i hear that those are Tom's disowned family
its funny as hell. i dont care if its fake its still realluy amuseing to watch electronics get destroyed.
whats more noob'ish ..

not knowing that the videos are fake


feeling the need to tell other people they are noobs for not knowing that the videos are fake


not really caring either way and just enjoying the entertainment value of it all

