What the ... (WoW related)

movax said:
Read this...apparently, WoW has claimed its (first) real-life casualty.

I think there have been several WoW related deaths. I could just be thinking MMO's in general, I'm not entirely sure. Either way, that's a relatively silly lawsuit.
China is right for once in dropping/ignoring the stupid suit though. :)
Not to threadcrap, but unless I'm reading that wrong the kid was playing Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, not WoW.

Also, I feel the need to add that if these parents win any money there's something seriously wrong with society. They let their son play games for 36 hours straight and wonder why something went wrong?
From the article:
The parents of a 13-year-old Chinese boy who they say jumped to his death from a tall building after playing one of the popular "Warcraft" online games for 36 hours straight are suing its Chinese distributor

2 words: child neglect
I hope the judge will see through it and punish the parents themselves ffs.
there is SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU if you kill yourself over warcraft or any other game for that matter.. if it wasnt that it would have something else.. the end
ryuen said:
From the article:

2 words: child neglect
I hope the judge will see through it and punish the parents themselves ffs.

Only in a rational world :(
not the first... there was one a while back about two parents in England... i think went to an internet cafe and left there baby at home while they were out playing WoW and the baby died... So yeah there are a lot of retards out there...