what to buy 6600gt or pc 4400 ram


Limp Gawd
Jan 5, 2005
this is what i got so far i got a A8N SLI (Packed at zipzoomfly) One leadtek 6600gt an 3000+ 939pin, PC3200 geil value ram 1gb. now that i want to know is what would i get the most performance from. a second 6600gt or Corsair 4400C25 ram 1gb. Ram i oc alot and i think i can get my 3000+ to 2.4-2.5. but i thing is would i see much of a diff. i know i would see a diff with the second 6600. what do you guys think
get a 74gb raptor. no need for ram or video card upgrade as of yet. you'll notice ur pc running a lot better with the raptor
if you had said a 6800GT ultra, I would have voted for the videocard.

I agree with MaMMa, a raptor will make it the whole setup faster

or you could invest the extra cash you would spend on the ram or videocard and just get a faster proc (and good aftermarket cooling setup).
Depends what you want your upgrade to accomplish. If gaming is the main concern then going SLI will give you most improvement. If you want fast booting and faster load times then the raptor would be do good. If overclocking is whats important to you than the RAM would be the choice. If you want a overall faster system than a processor upgrade should be considered, all depends on what you to accomplish.
well ive got a thermaltake venus 12 with AS5. s i think im good for cooling unless i go for WC but i dont think that is going to happen anytime soon and the CPU im going to keep cuz im going to oc that and i only other cpu i would upgrade to would bet the FX 55 or 53 and i dont think that is going to happen soon either. and the hdd ive got two 80GB sata RAID 0. so im not sure i would see a hughe diff in loading times. so once agian im left with the GFX and the ram. so i think im going to wait till i get my stuff up and runing see how i like my FPS and how well my ram works with the mobo and cpu
I say get another 6600gt.. It will be much more noticable then pc4400 ram.