what to buy if the M-Audio AV40 just doesn't cut it?


Oct 10, 2004
I'm looking for a good 2.0 or 2.1 speaker system for my desktop pc. I currently have a Logitech Z-5500 5.1 hooked up, but it obviously just won't work for the lossless music I like to listen to these days. I've also already got a nice home theater system hooked up, for when I want to piss off the whole neighborhood, but I don't want to run that around the clock for regular pc use.

I've checked out all of the pc speaker sets I could find, and none of them sound good. I listened to the M-Audio AV40s, and the BX5s, and HS50s, Rokit 5 and 6, etc, and they all sounded pretty good ... until I got a chance to hear a pair of KRK VXT-4 monitors. For a pair of active, desktop-size speakers, those KRK VXT-4s blow away everything else I have listened to.

So, that said, should I go ahead and drop $500 for a pair of these KRK VXT-4 monitors, or do you guys know of any other 2.0 _active_, desktop-sized speakers that will compare quality-wise to the KRKs?

(and no, the KRK Exposes will not fit on my desktop)
awesome, thanks for the recommendation! i found a place right down the street that is an authorized NHT dealer, so hopefully they will have some i can listen to this weekend. :)
If you get a chance to compare the M-00 to the VXT-4 please give us a review. I would expect the bass extension of the M-00 is better since I think it has bigger woofers but I would like to get your opinion on sound quality since the VXT series is KRK's high end monitor.
You could also look at the Adam A*X series. I've got a pair of A7Xs and they're pretty darn awesome. I decided against going for a HT setup and upgraded my PC speakers. As for other speakers, all I know are monitors so here goes. Genelec is good but some folks don't like their sound. KRK is good, but people find them too colored, though supposedly for their price ranges pretty much untouched. A lot of folks like Focal in particular the CMS series. Dynaudio makes some nice stuff, but I didn't care much for their sound. All right, cause I don't feel like typing anything else about some of the companies. I'll just go type the ones that I listened to before I decided on my Adams.

PMC, Equator (both of these companies were just too expensive for me. Great sound though), Tannoy, Behringer (speaking of which I forget which Truth it is, but I think the 3031A is supposedly darn good for the money), and Yamaha.
You you say that KRK Exposes are to big for the desktop I say to big on the wallet! Let us know how it go with the auditioning with the NHT. When I was auditioning near field monitors at different stores the bozos at BB that had a pro audio room lockup my reference CD and spend 15 mins unscrewing the entire CD player apart to return my CD back to me. Still setting my my new Tannoys and have been impress with them so far and just ordered a second Little Dot tube amp to drive then. David from Little Dot wrote back and remembers me when I brought my first Little Dot two years ago! Good luck on your auditioning!