What to do about paint drips?


Jul 3, 2003
So far, the painting of my case has gone well, except for one major problem. Paint drips. I am using plastikote auto body black spray paint, and every once in a while i get drips and splatters of paint come out of the can. Of course they land on what im painting.

Ive tried to sand the caused bumps down, but is there an easier way? what can i do to prevent these drips?
you could maybe try to tie up what ur painting with wire and spray from a distance
Splatter like that is typical of rattle cans. I've warmed them up before hand (in a bucket of water) but don't expect it to be perfect or anything. If you are getting actual runs/sags/drips then you are apply the paint too heavily. Find a middle ground in between dusting it and coating it fully.

The best paint job you can get is simply by using an automotive paint and spraying out of a gun.. Even a single stage urethane is 1000x better than rattle cans.

About the only time I've used rattle cans is to touch up spots that won't be noticed or for small parts that don't matter.
it IS auto paint, but like you said, and like the [H]ardocp guide says, using a spray gun is an excellent idea
auto paint from a rattle can is not the same as auto paint that you'd put on a car. Two hugely different worlds.
And plastikote is total shit. Overpriced shit at that. Look at brands like Belton or Montana and buy different caps for your cans
well damn. i got it at walmart (it was 10pm), and that was all they had. i made sure that i got automotive paint, and im not going for the perfect job, so ithought it would work out. it actually looks pretty damn good so far, other than the drips, which dont show all that well.

you live and you learn! this has been a great learning experience so far, and i think the case will turn out well.....i just need to get some new caps, and some more paint!

would you suggest i get a different brand of paint to put on the last coat? or is it better to just finish off with the plastikote?
follow the directions on the can and shake it after 1 or 2 minutes of use...
don't spray continuously out of the can. use light strokes to help get an even coating. wipe of the spray head every so often with a clean cloth.
i painted my radiator with dupli-color mirage and it came out better than i thought.
also painted the inside of my case with krylon ultra-flat black and didnt have ne drips whatsoever.
spray paint ftw! ;)
Shake the can every like 10 seconds or less, that will make a more even spray as well. I bet that rad looks pretty cool Haste.
Stu55 said:
Shake the can every like 10 seconds or less, that will make a more even spray as well. I bet that rad looks pretty cool Haste.
i cant get ANY good pictures because i guess the way the paint works...but here is one...
this pic only shows a blue/slight purple color
it changes from blue/purple/dark orangish maroon type color. it looks mostly like a dark purple when looking at it normally.
i may try to get better pics later

some panaflo 120x38mm fans
not impressed at all...

i have some delta triple blade she fans on the way.
141cfm at full blast
wow the modding community has evolved since i last visited - caps and graffiti paint <3
also, for rattle cans, you can easily get a nice finish, just take your time and spray cautiously. warming the can up in hot water for 10 mins or so works great for a nice even application.
i read a couple of guides, and researched before i started. but it seems that the only way to learn something like this is through trial and a lot of error
im in the process of painting my case as well and i have the same problem as you. Once i have a little paint left in the can, the paint squirts out leaving paint drips. The only thing i can do to remove this would be to sand it down so the paint surface is smooth and then apply another coat. i have to do this to give it a mirror gloss black finish which is the paint job im going for.

good luck anyways
yea, thats what ive been doing, it has sucked though because it happens on every damn coat
Also if you are getting runs, you can minimize them by painting the object while it is at much less of an angle, or completely flat for that matter. Works fine for me. In cold/colder weather, warming the can is absolutely necessary. I also use a hair dryer if it is too moist outside or want to speed up the drying. Keep on low speed fan, high heat and keep it moving. Should help...
I use masking tape to remove runs when still wet. Make a loop sticky side out and touch the run with the sticky side. The tape picks up the run. You will have to re-coat but it's easier than sanding them out dry. To prevent runs, use thin coats, and wait 5-10 minutes between coats. Warming the can is good too.
Haste266 said:
some panaflo 120x38mm fans
not impressed at all...

i have some delta triple blade she fans on the way.
141cfm at full blast

So your going for a silent approach I see ;) lol
prolly around 50-55db
i wont be running them at full blast of course
going to be regulating them with a sunbeam rheobus.
they should be fairly quiet at 5-7v