What to do - ethically.


[H] Movie and TV Show Review Guy
Jan 31, 2003
Sold off a scanner to a member here on the forum, got money 4 weeks ago (today) sent him scanner, it arrived to him exactly 3 weeks ago.

I still am sitting on the money because I have not heard from him yet as to how its working and there are things I need to purchase and this money is for that purpose, but I feel a little uneasy spending money if I haven't heard from a user regarding the quality of items I send.

He was last online 7-25-13 saying he would try it over the weekend (last weekend) and haven't heard or seen him online since. I know he is in the middle of moving and trying to get settled in, but how long is to long?

I don't want to name the individual as they truly have done nothing wrong.

Any ideas?
I'm assuming it was tested and working fine before shipping, and that it was packed adequately ...if so and your not anticipating any problems, then I say go ahead and spend the money....

worse case scenario, something goes wrong and you need to refund him, sell your soul..:)
I'm assuming it was tested and working fine before shipping, and that it was packed adequately ...if so and your not anticipating any problems, then I say go ahead and spend the money....

worse case scenario, something goes wrong and you need to refund him, sell your soul..:)

That would than be the problem as I would no longer have the fundage to refund him.
"something goes wrong and you need to refund him, sell your soul.."
That would than be the problem as I would no longer have the fundage to refund him.

LOL, well if you have no soul left to refund him said fundage, don`t worry about it, he had ample time to get back to you, and has not, that is his problem now isn't it, at least you came back here and have "proof" of such events yes?
i'm thinking the scanner is working fine.. maybe he's busy.... but i'm sure if it was broken he would have found some time to come here and bitch :p
most liekly

I trust my product, but I want to make sure is all.

Scanner was tested before sending it to him, was packaged very well.
yea...3+ weeks is more than enough time. I usually give people about a week (or state explicitly if otherwise) and then call it good.

Ive sold a lot of items on the forums, some people Ive never heard from again after Ive mailed. Some like to say thanks and give me a heads up all is good. Just depends on the person.

You shouldnt have to wait a month just to spend money for an item you sold.
yea...3+ weeks is more than enough time. I usually give people about a week (or state explicitly if otherwise) and then call it good.

Ive sold a lot of items on the forums, some people Ive never heard from again after Ive mailed. Some like to say thanks and give me a heads up all is good. Just depends on the person.

You shouldnt have to wait a month just to spend money for an item you sold.

Agreed. You were responsible for making sure it worked before it left your hands and making sure it was properly packed. The buyer is responsible for testing it after they get it expeditiously. Give them a week after receiving it to make sure everything is good. If you don't hear from them assume it's all OK and move on. Most people aren't going to shoot you a thumbs up if they're happy but you'll hear from them pretty quickly if they're not.
If it takes someone a month to test something I've sold them, I say tough. I'll try my best to assist but that much wait time, you just never know.
If it takes someone a month to test something I've sold them, I say tough. I'll try my best to assist but that much wait time, you just never know.

Basically yes. I bought a part and didnt get a chance to test it until 3 weeks later. If it was broke, I understood it was on me due to the lack of initiative to test it out in the first week of purchasing, more like the first couple days.

Who knows what it may have undergone during that time.
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had something for 3 weeks? his problem if its not working.

If/when I buy something 2nd hand online, the FIRST thing I do is test it. 3 mins after arrival, not 3 weeks
First off, you're a good dude for being conscious about this.

If nothing else, just send a follow up PM asking him how things are and if he has any issues, to hit you up. That's your money.
Basically yes. I bought a part and didnt get a chance to test it until 3 weeks later. If it was broke, I understood it was on me due to the lack of initiative to test it out in the first week of purchasing, more like the first couple days.

Who knows what it may have undergone during that time.

Same here, but I do really applaud the OP for sitting on the funds and waiting. That is RARE these days as people spend the $ as soon as they get it, then if there is an issue the buyer is SOL because the seller can't afford to refund. I've had that happen a few times myself, and I typically leave the $ sit in my account until positive heat is exchanged and I know they are satisfied.
Worst case scenario, it's bad and he wants a refund and you agree to it; he shouldn't have a problem waiting 3 weeks for you to gather the money that you held on to for so long but had to spend.
You're a good person to be as considerate as you are.

The guy will see this thread no doubt.
If he tries the item and it isn't functioning, he'll know you gave him a wide pathj and should understand if it takes you time to get the cash for a refund.

Three weeks is a long time, but I've had sales where the guy never wrote back or posted heat, even after repeated requests from me.....and the parts were pristine.....so I say: "go on take the money and run".....:D
If it has been 3 weeks, then he has had plenty of time to test it. If he has yet to test it, then that's his problem. I wouldn't worry about it, so long as you know it was working when you sent it.
Yeah, he even asked me prior to sending it to test it, luckily I had tested it just a few days before. I wont send something I think will be DOA.
Its good that you feel this way, more sellers should be like this... however 3 weeks is plenty... if UPS shows it was dropped off or he confirmed he at least got it then I think you have waited long enough. Whenever I sell stuff on Ebay I give people a week to test and return. After that its no longer my problem.

Also like people are saying, if there was an issues im sure you would have heard about it.

spend away!
You shouldnt have to wait a month just to spend money for an item you sold.

Also like people are saying, if there was an issues im sure you would have heard about it.

spend away!

You have waited more then long enough, and as someone who has traded with you in the past, I say you are all good.......hurry up and buy that " My Little Pony" collectible you have been eyeing. ;)
I'm guilty of not testing immediately. Back on July 10, I purchased a Swiftech H220 AIO from tdub. I have yet to test it...hell, even open the box (what can I say...July has been a bad/busy month for me). HOWEVER...due to that, I am absolutely not holding him responsible for it if it is toast when I open it. It's my own fault, so I'll eat it if it comes to that.
You have waited more then long enough, and as someone who has traded with you in the past, I say you are all good.......hurry up and buy that " My Little Pony" collectible you have been eyeing. ;)

Yay, I can get Starsong Pony now, highly collectible!
im guilty of taking time to test as well
sometimes take a while to test voice/data on phones because i have to wait for unlock codes to be delivered, never had any troubles with devices though.
I also am on the side that likes to wait until the buyer tests to spend the money but often times i will just consider that "everything is fine" about a week after the sale/buyer receives, usually if something is wrong they wont be waiting a week to tell you
Hey sounds like I need to buy something from you. Doesnt sound like I would have any issues at all. You are a stand up guy in my book after reading this thread. :)
I can't believe I wasted time reading this thread. You sold good working item, shipped it, buyer confirmed receipt, and now a month later you are afraid to spend the money?

If there was a problem, he would have told you. And even if there is, you can worry about refunding his funds if and when you cross that bridge.
spend that money on cocaine and prostitutes... so when he complains you don't give a F**K
I'm a nice person. I have no need to be hostile or bitter. Life is too short for all of that foolishness. But I do like saying what is on my mind though.

I sense a little bitterness and hostility :eek:
What to do, ethically?

Ethics should have nothing to do with it. Don't play with toys that cost money you can't afford to lose.

Have a bigger savings, then stop worrying about a single botched transaction.