what to do what to do


Aug 5, 2004
what crazy hot mod(s) could i do to this case.....i cant think of NOTHIN i hid the wires and stealthed the drive but....i just cant think of nothin, i have a drill and most all necessary modding tools....can someone help me?
OMG!!! forgot the pic lol was watchin that new chick CIARA on BET couldnt help lol..........
JR_Rider said:
i also just installed this new program....its pretty hot......

The wire management looks really nice. I hope to have mine as clean as that once I get some time. Why is that program so hot, just curious :p ?
Jbroad572 said:
The wire management looks really nice. I hope to have mine as clean as that once I get some time. Why is that program so hot, just curious :p ?
Click the picture.

As for mods... window etch? applique? blowhole? case lighting?
As for mods... window etch? applique? blowhole? case lighting?
not good enough for window etching and dont wanna put a sticker on my window and where would i put an xtra blowhole for a fan i have 6 case fans already...and i have all white L.E.D. fans....was goin for somethin different w/ the white and silver .....blue and silver is played.....the white and silver looks proffesional and hot
scrap that mod. start over. go get yourslef a cheepo case and start hacking into it. you wont find anything original with that case. it has been done to tears. start over. i bet i would be 1000 times more satisfying and probably cheeper.
lol........who do you think i am.....son of newegg's president.........im only 16 w/ no job lol cant afford all that
If you could give us an estimate on how much you want to spend it might be easier for us to give you suggestions that are possible for you.
im not talkin about no hl2 or doom3 type of mods not even half that just some lil mods that wouldnt be more than 50 bucks i guess.......
Step 1: Get a HUGE old-style server case. (8$ at garage sale,& mine cam with a cheap PSU!)
Step 2: Paint the case. Hi-Gloss paint is nice, and you can get some really nifty color-change paints for a pittance nowadays. With the help of some newspaper and masking tape, you can do a flames job. Tamaya model paint is good (3.50 a can), although Rust-Oleum is'nt that bad either. Spaz Stix is great for color-change stuff (10$+ per can) (2$-15$ depending on cost of spray paint)
Step 3: Put in a case window out of cheap plexiglass from the Home Depot. Use your dremel to cut a big ol' square from the side, and put it in with glue or bolts.(~10-20$)
Step 4: Add LED's and funky lighting. CCFL's are only good for UV work, or so I have heard, and can blow up if you're unlucky. (5-10$ for cheap UV CCFL or some LED's from RadioShack)
Step 5: Add funky flourescent paint on the INSIDE of your computer. You can get a good-sized set of it at Spencer's for 10$.
Step 6: Add details, logos and whatever. UV paint works nicely for this.
Step 7: Add case fans. Aluminum fans are nice, but at 10$+ each, they're expensive. Some clear LED case-fans are a better way to go, and they're cheap. (3-6$ each, 2+ reccomended)
This is what I'm going to do with my big beige server case if I can't find anything cooler. IT's heavy, but it's built like a tank, and can hold more drives than I can count on my fingers.