What to do with conquered games

with conquered games do you?

  • Sell them, hey you beat it thats good enough!

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • keep it cuz great games are hard to find and you might play it when your bored

    Votes: 21 32.8%
  • Sell it and if you want to play it again you'll just get it used

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • Keep it, add it to your shrine of great and worthy games!

    Votes: 24 37.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 21, 2002
i was thinking about some of my games to sell but frankly i love them, sure i beat them i might play them again but for the most part there just a shrine of worthy games.

it got me thinking what do you do with games you beat..?
I usually try playing a game again immediately after I beat it to see if it has replay value. If it does, then I keep it. Otherwise, it gets traded down the line for another game. Solid online play is also a good reason to keep a game.
I rarely finish games so just keep installing them again after every HDD format and start from the beginning again. I'm on my 4th or 5th install of Oblivion right now. Games I don't think are all that good I just let collect dust because one day i might want to try them out again. I have sold some games in the past but it is more hassle than it is worth really.
For the past 15 years, I've tried to hold onto games. It wasn't until about two years ago that I realized that I NEVER play them again. There's a constant list of games that I still want to play, so I never revisit many of the old ones. I spent last summer selling them all off, made a few hundred dollars, and bought new games with that. As it is, I have a number of PS2 games that I've already beat, but don't feel the need to sell yet... Shadow of Colossus, ICO, Killer 7, and the whole FF series. One day I'll just sell them.

Best to let someone else enjoy them, too. You can always buy the game again off eBay when you want to replay it.
How about trading games with friends. Usually a better deal than selling them.
I like having a collection. You never know when you'll want to come back to a game you thought you had played the hell out of. Or even something you think is dumb like Pokemon. When I sell a game, I almost always miss it later on (except Lost Planet), and the money is typically not great anyway.

I only buy games that I know I will enjoy though; I don't have much dead weight on my shelf.
I pick other. I've been using gamefly lately, so I don't buy games anymore. If I want to play it later, I just put it back on my list again.
I once took a garbage bag full of games to sell down at EB. The scumbags offered me a fraction of their value so I walked out and took them back home. As I said before, just not worth the hassle to sell them when everyone is a two-bit shyster looking to score a deal. Oh, and then there is that time when an internet creep gave me a rubber check for 5 games.
I add them to my shrine of great games :D

If they are PC games they usually are worthless anyway after some time so better to keep it instead of selling.
The only thing I could consider selling would be next gen console games (and onlythe crappy fps ones)
I keep all my games; I've never sold any. My gaming interests are varied enough that I never know what I might feel like playing again down the road.
Entirely depends on the games. If they're the sort of thing you can finish completely and never touch again then you might as well get rid.
I usually just rent games instead of buying them. I had one game for my 360 before I sold it and it was Halo 3 and I never played it. I have MGS4 coming in today or tomorrow and more then likely it will end up the same but we will see.
Ebay it. I used to think that you should keep games, but lets get real. How many times are you going to replay every game you own? Keep the classics or games that are extremely fun, but ditch the rest. There is no reason to keep many games around.
Oh, and then there is that time when an internet creep gave me a rubber check for 5 games.

Needs more info!

I keep em, looks pretty on a shelf. Maybe some friends might want to borrow them, maybe I'll have the bug to play them again. I rarely buy brand new 50-60 dollar games anyway, so the resale on the values is shit anyway.
I'm actually jealous of the people who buy games new at $60 and sell them for $50. $10 for the hottest games of your choice, as long as you want, whenever you want? Sounds good to me.

I stopped buying movies for the same reason I stopped buying games. I realized that while the idea of a 'collection' gives me serious warm and fuzzies, the actual number of times I repeat view/play something is so low that it isn't economical. The number of times I wish I spent that extra $200 on a TV or something? Countless.
there was no option to "trade with friends"

thats what I do. Go over to a buddies house and search through is collection and trade em' up.
That way you can try other games and can still get you old game back whenever you like.
Hmm I don't know about you but we keep our own collections with friends and when one want to play something other has we simply borrow it :)