what to do with old cases


Feb 21, 2008
When you guys get new cases, what do you do with your old ones that are still perfectly fine? Do you sell them or stash them somewhere? Thanks. I tried searching for this one, but I wasn't sure exactly what to search for and the few threads I clicked on never really said anything.
you can hack them up if you re feeling bold, maybe build a back up box with some spare parts, or sell them if they re just taking up space.
Look up your friend Craig . . . as in Craigslist.

Cases are usually too heavy to make selling and shipping them economical. But I've had good luck selling big/heavy things that I don't want to ship on Craigslist.
Option 1 - Pack Rat. Store it in the off chance that you may want to build a secondary rig, or use it in a later build.

Option 2 - Hawker. Sell it to your friend, or Craig. Sure you lose some $$, but at least its not wasting real estate in your basement, and a few extra green in your wallet could help you purchase upgrades or libations. Win Win situation.

Option 3 - Destructor. Damn the money! Damn the utility! This just became part of your own Youtube version of Office Space.
keep it around until it becomes useful again. My old Sonata 1 is now my HTPC case
make a barbecue out of it


I'm a friggin packrat. I save the ones I liked, the ones I didn't I build low end systems in and sell in the local paper
I use all my old ones and rip them apart and build mega cases out of them I can use 3 or 4 cases to make 1 case I just take out what I need from them and combine it into a case that is just a bit bigger and more room in to mod. Ill try to get a pic of the one that Im working on right at the moment up soon.
Find someone local to you that is folding for [H] and save them $30 on a new case???

Build a system for your siblings? That's where my last Sonata case went to... Shame I didn't keep it but then again its being put to good use by them now too.
Hahaha.. I'm working on this very issue right now.. A co-worker of mine was throwing away his October of 2000 Dell L800R PIII mATX computer. I gutted the computer and I'm modding the heck out of it. I'm turning it into a Home Theater PC with some "balls".. LOL! I just started a worklog on it yesterday.

Modding.. It's fun for the whole family! ...LMAO!

WORKLOG HERE: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1276631
Find someone local to you that is folding for [H] and save them $30 on a new case???

Build a system for your siblings? That's where my last Sonata case went to... Shame I didn't keep it but then again its being put to good use by them now too.

I've been meaning to ask this as I've seen it mentioned several times in various posts . . . but what the heck is a "folding" box or what is "folding" exactly?

Noobish question, I know.

What is protein folding and how is folding linked to disease?
Proteins are biology's workhorses -- its "nanomachines." Before proteins can carry out these important functions, they assemble themselves, or "fold." The process of protein folding, while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology, in many ways remains a mystery.

Moreover, when proteins do not fold correctly (i.e. "misfold"), there can be serious consequences, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's disease, and many Cancers and cancer-related syndromes.

Folding@home is a distributed computing project -- people from throughout the world download and run software to band together to make one of the largest supercomputers in the world. Every computer takes the project closer to our goals. Folding@home uses novel computational methods coupled to distributed computing, to simulate problems millions of times more challenging than previously achieved.

I was just researching this myself, was wondering how to start myself since I have a few spare P4 parts laying around.

Edit: Has anyone on [H] posted a tutorial or know where I can find one?
You could just practice your dremmiling skills on the old case... go for some custom artwork.

Depending on your age, you could cobble together an basic PC with a TV out card, joystick/console pad and make a 80's/90's MAME box to relive your youth. Space invader, Asteroids, PacMan and the other 1000 ROM's floating around on various sites.

or you could just rip the guts out of it, cut a small notch in the top of it and call it your SkullTrail piggy bank...