What to dry the cpu with?


Aug 4, 2006
Well, today is the day - I'm gonna put it all together. I have one question though - what do I need to wip off the cpu and heatsink after I've put some alcohol on (This is an oem processor, so there is no thermal paste on it yet)? I've heard of using a coffee filter, will that work?
Just grab a box of the wipes for cleaning glasses. It's a couple bucks for an excessive amount, and you can just let it evaporate off.
Oh boy. You don't NEED to dry it with anything. You don't need to wipe the paste off either. If this is something you're relatively unfamiliar with, don't deviate from warranty goodness. Follow the instructions given with your products and then go read Arctic Silver's site. After that, go nuts on the forums here. Print sh!t up and take to the head. Get as much info as you can handle. THEN go void your warranties. :D
Anti static , i would use tissue. When wiping take great care not to create static like rubbing ,
I got an oem proccessor. No thermal paste on it. I already have some coffee filters. Will it be a problem if I use them?
Ok, in that case...I prefer plain cotton tshirts. They wrap around my finger better. Cut em up in little pads and use 99.9% alcohol from Fry's Electronics, 91% from Walgreens, or 71% from walmart. Then some canned air to blow off any lint.

What chip is it?
I use q-tips and only 99% pure alcohol. It evaporates rapidly on its own, no need to dry.

Your question almost makes me think that you're thinking of just dumping the alcohol on your cpu, but that would be silly. Use a nice lint freeish material and clean your cpu with it dipped in some high percentage alcohol. Give it the thirty seconds it needs to dry and then you're good to install it.

Any lint free cloth. When you use things like tissue paper and toilet paper, or even t-shirts I'd say, you risk getting bits of the material on the CPU, like real small bits that you aren't gonna notice but will end up getting into the grooves of the heatspreader and heatsink, and in your thermal paste.

That said, go with the eyeglass clothes if you can. Great lint free cloth.
Jodiuh said:
...use 99.9% alcohol from Fry's Electronics, 91% from Walgreens, or 71% from walmart. ...

I always like to Flamb'e mine. Alcohol burns off quickly, and makes for a good presentation. :p

Another vote for Fry's 99.9% alcohol and the q-tip for application. Cotton cloth or air dry.
Soft cotton cloth like an old wash cloth is the best with 99.9%
Acetone (nail polish remover) works as well. Look for the 100% acetone stuff, should be at any grocery store.
whrswoldo said:
Acetone (nail polish remover) works as well. Look for the 100% acetone stuff, should be at any grocery store.
Be careful with acetone, if you get some on the mobo it can kill it. Stick to rubbing alcohol and just let it evaporate.
Jodiuh said:
Oh boy. You don't NEED to dry it with anything. You don't need to wipe the paste off either. If this is something you're relatively unfamiliar with, don't deviate from warranty goodness. Follow the instructions given with your products and then go read Arctic Silver's site. After that, go nuts on the forums here. Print sh!t up and take to the head. Get as much info as you can handle. THEN go void your warranties. :D
:p :p :D
korrupted-drk- said:
That said, go with the eyeglass clothes if you can. Great lint free cloth.

Hmmm...you mean the real nice ones? See, I'm under the impression that once used, pitched. I mean, my tee rips always get messy. Do you mean the disposable ones?

yevaud said:
I always like to Flamb'e mine. Alcohol burns off quickly, and makes for a good presentation. :p

Another vote for Fry's 99.9% alcohol and the q-tip for application. Cotton cloth or air dry.

What?! You burn it with some sort of flame?! LOL!

Also, don't confuse q-tips that have mad nasty stringy nasties flying all over the place w/ the more solid version at Frys. It's more like a make up applicator...eyeliner thing...I think. Anyway, it doesn't leave little bits all over like the 1,000 pack from Wal-Mart.
IanG said:
Be careful with acetone, if you get some on the mobo it can kill it. Stick to rubbing alcohol and just let it evaporate.

Really? I've never had any issues with it, but if you have any info on the matter I'd love to see it so as to avoid problems in the future.
whrswoldo said:
Really? I've never had any issues with it, but if you have any info on the matter I'd love to see it so as to avoid problems in the future.
From overclockers.com

"* Warning * Acetone that is highly concentrated will eat the PCB, so if you are using acetone, be very careful. Nail polish remover is something many people use, as it is cheap and readily available. If you use nail polish remover, make sure there are no oils or fragrances added to it. Before using a solvent, make sure there are no additives, such as fragrance or minerals, to it. Also, read the warning labels on the solvent you are using as some of them are rather dangerous and special precautions must be used."

Acetone is also toxic, either through skin contact or inhaling the fumes, alcohol or lighter fluid is easier to use imo.
IanG said:
Acetone is also toxic, either through skin contact or inhaling the fumes, alcohol or lighter fluid is easier to use imo.

I recommend:

That way, if you *accidentally* spill some in your coke while cleaning your processor, you won't have to worry about calling the poison control center.
I use the stuff at the supermarket just over 90%. ~92% or so because it is readily available. It'll just be a smaller pile next to the more often used 70% stuff. It dries in seconds.That's why you're not using the 70%. I sense thinking too hard though. A OEM processor with no gunk you just put a dab of alcohol on a tshirt and wipe it. In case there is like invisible finger grease in invisible little nooks and crannies that would impede heat transfer. You don't have to buy thermal grease remover from arctic cooling and a micro fiber towel.
Homage to the thread that died too soon.


The ma...who works in Nursing...hooked me up with a PILE of Alcohol pads. They have no lint and come premoistened. I just about fell over when I got them. I'm not sure if you can buy these in that kind of bulk, but they proved VERY helpful last night with the X1900XT and VF900.