What to go with 3007HC


Feb 26, 2007
Hi guys I got a 3007 HC and am trying to decide on a second monitor to use so i dont need to tab out as much. Should i get the 4:3 20" Dell thats 1600 x 1200 and run it in portrait so i have the same pixel hight? I have a 8800 gtx and most likely will add a second if that matters. It looks like with the nvidea I dont have to have the same pixal high that it will allow for seperate resolutions on each monitor so is this really an issue to worry about or should i addd the 20" or 22" widescreens as my second? What have you guys done and are you happy with it? Thanks
What are you guys using as a second monitor withyour 30"s and are you happy or wish you had done it different?
You're wasting your money if you want to stay on top of gaming at 2560x1600 resolution. I assume that, since you have an 8800GTX, gaming is important to you. Think about this: 1600x1200 = 2800 pixels, 2560x1600 = 4160 pixels

The Dell HC is the perfect monitor for desktop use. I'd have a different monitor for gaming. Maybe a 1080p display, since that's only 200 pixels more than 1600x1200.
haven't got my 30''er yet but from using other multi monitor setups I'd go with a 20'' 4:3 monitor.
It can get rather annoying if your monitor resolutions don't match up, like moving your winamp window to the side and having to move it back only to resize it on the other screen, or not being able to stretch a window over both screens properly...

I wonder if there are any 92% gamut 4:3 monitors coming up to match the HC's color.
not sure why you guys think you can't have 2 different resolutions for 2 monitors. I can...
I purchased the Dell 20" 1600x1200 and run it in portrait mode to go with my 30". This monitor makes a perfect complement to the 30" because it has very similar dot-pitch, the same stand and bezel and the lottery seems to have disappeared and they are shipping IPS panels in the 2007FP so it does match nicely with the 30".

The only problem I've encountered is that nVidia's portrait rotation uses software so you lose hardware acceleration on your portrait screen. You still get Aero and eye candy on the portrait display but the menu animations are not as smooth, rapid scrolling long documents can produce slight tearing, and the mouse may not move as smoothly on the portrait screen. This is not a major problem if you are using your second screen largely as a place holder for static windows, status screens, etc. But if you are keenly sensitive to menu animations, etc. this will bug you. There is no way around it that I can find since all other portrait rotations solutions also do it in software as well. Shame on nVidia.
wow, wouldn't have expected nvidia to do it in software..
How do the colors of the monitors match up, is the different gamut very noticeable?
what is this hc? can anyone post a link please?
what is this hc? can anyone post a link please?

HC stands for High Color. Its just the current model of the 30" LCD. The old one was the same model number without the HC. They both use LG S-IPS panels. The HC covers 92% of the NTSC color gamut, while the original one (and most consumer LCDs) covered only 72% of the color gamut. This is important for digital photography if you are trying to get the same image on the screen as you get in print.

By the way, I think that Dell 20" 1600x1200 is a good idea. I have a 20" Samsung 1600x1200 and it works great next to the 3007... both being calibrated they look pretty good together, but I'd prefer the same bezel... my Samy is grey.
thanks convergent! i also have a samsung 1600x1200 20" 204b-black. do you have the bk or gray?