What to update?


Dec 14, 2005
I am currently having some issue with installing Windows Vista because it wont recognize my hard drives. I was able to install about a month ago and been using it. I tried to reformat last night and it wont recognize my hard drive. The Vista install gave me "Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation". I did some research and found this http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927520. Seem like i have to update my hard drive controller. It was working why wouldnt it work now???? Weird.

I have a DFI LanParty nF4 SLI-DR motherboard. What should i update to update my hard drive controller? Should i update the BIOS or the nForce chipset? If the nForce chipset do i obtain it from DFI or Nvidia?

Final question - does updating a chipset work like BIOS where it will be store on the hardware level or software (in OS)?

Thanks for any helps.
dunno about vista, but...

Your HDD Controller is part of the NF4 chipset... its a physical chip that isn't usually replaced. A BIOS update may help how the chipset performs, but you can't exactly update a chipset of a board, only the BIOS. The DR also has a 3rd party SATA controller chip, which, I think, is also not updatable. Is the drive plugged into this controller or the native NF4 controller SATA port?

I think if the drive is detected in the BIOS, then the HDD Controller should be working fine. You could run the HDD diagnostic tool from your drive manufacturer's website to test the drive, and if it passes, I think its safe to assume your controller is good.
The appropriate line from that link is:
Method 3: Provide the correct drivers for the hard disk controller

You'll need to make a floppy disk with the SATA drivers on it. There should be drivers to download from DFI's website to make a floppy
You'll need to make a floppy disk with the SATA drivers on it. There should be drivers to download from DFI's website to make a floppy

One also came with the motherboard... a floppy disk, that is. You shouldn't need it, though. My homie has the same board as you, and was able to install vista fine without needing to load drivers during setup. With XP, you'll need SP2 slipstreamed into the installation disk to avoid needing a floppy disk with drivers.