What type of cable is this?

Sep 7, 2004
need some help ID'ing what these are for:

walking out of school today i noticed some colorfull wire heaped ontop of a dumpster... i of course brought it home. it was a tangled mess, but when i got it untangled it was 20x 6' long cables.


each has a female DIL 50 connector at the end


the wire is aparently twisted pair most of the way down the cable, with untwisted segments every 20" for 2" of straight "ribbon cable" style wires. each wire color is twisted with a tan, so i assume it is the same idea as 80 pin IDE. the wires are physicly twisted together before they are laminated into the ribon


the twisted pair makes me think it is for some sort of network thing, and since it was thrown out it makes me think old.

anyone seen this before?
six feet long?? ill take scsi, thats 50 conductor... and the high data rate means it needs twisted pair, but what are they doing with 20 of these, and why are the six feet long :confused: big ass server
theshadow27 said:
six feet long?? ill take scsi, thats 50 conductor... and the high data rate means it needs twisted pair, but what are they doing with 20 of these, and why are the six feet long :confused: big ass server

Could be a server, or maybe some proprietary use of the cable which happens to also be a SCSI cable.
ah, cool

i checked ebay, and of corse they are worthless

i am smellin a huge LED array commin on

EDIT... i have a bunch, so if anyone at [h] has a ligitmate use for a couple, ill send them for the price of shipping