what type of memory should i buy?


Limp Gawd
Nov 8, 2001
im building a new amd and i want the fastest stuff out there, what should i buy?
I would recommend any brand of ram with Samsung TCCD ics in them. These chips run DDR400 at 2-2-2-5 timings, which is bad ass for an AMD64 setup.

I would personally recommend G.Skill ram, they aren't exactly famous outside enthusiast circles, but their Ram is high quality.


That ram is actually DDR550, but will run DDR400 at 2-2-2-5 timings. It will also give you some overhead if you want to overclock later.
I agree
The Athlon 64 is not bandwidth starved and the difference in memory speeds between PC3200 and PC4800 is at most 1-2% over a global series of tests. Similarly, low latency vs high latency at same speed seems to add 1-2% globally to performance. In sum unlike the P4, or A-XP, which are in fact bandwidth starved, with the A64 you're best bet is to buy cheapest PC3200 ram and run at it's best potential, async or not. The performance will be indiscerable.
Wintergreen said:
The Athlon 64 is not bandwidth starved and the difference in memory speeds between PC3200 and PC4800 is at most 1-2% over a global series of tests. Similarly, low latency vs high latency at same speed seems to add 1-2% globally to performance. In sum unlike the P4, or A-XP, which are in fact bandwidth starved, with the A64 you're best bet is to buy cheapest PC3200 ram and run at it's best potential, async or not. The performance will be indiscerable.

So your saying he should go with soemthing like this:

That'll definitely overclock well :rolleyes: Considering the price and how well the G.skill stuff overclocks that would be your best choice.
That exactly what I'm saying he should get, when running your memory async, you take virtually no performance hit. Sure, you can spend twice mas much and run your memory 1:1, but it will only yeild about a 1-2% performance gain...
RAM plays a big role in overclocking your CPU too which definitely provides a perfromance increase. And you simply would not be able to oc with that RAM..
If you're running an nVidia nForce chipset, it makes more sense to try to run it sync. You'll try to run it at 250fsb (to get to 1000MHz) but chances are the AMD won't run at that speed unless you use a lower multiplier.

Overclocking is good if you only use two sticks, but if you decide to install four sticks the mem may not run at DDR400; at least doubled sided mem may throttle down to DDR333. In which case it may make more sense to put the $200 into a faster processor than into faster than standard memory.
wallijonn said:
If you're running an nVidia nForce chipset, it makes more sense to try to run it sync. You'll try to run it at 250fsb (to get to 1000MHz) but chances are the AMD won't run at that speed unless you use a lower multiplier.
that was only true with the athlon xp. there is no performance hit to running async with a64's cause it's always running async because of the on-die memory controller.
and i can do 250x10 (stock multi) if i give it the max volts on my board.