What type of power supply for a 10 hd system?


Limp Gawd
Nov 27, 2005
Hi guys I'm trying to find a decent powersupply for a 10 sata hard drive file server.

I'm having some issues finding power supplies that have even more than 6 sata power cables! I'm thinking a decent 600-750 w power supply should be decent enough.

It will be running a 939 4400x2 and 10 750gb hard drives. Using some generic/cheap video card.

Should I just use converters?
Just use converters. Any decent PSU (nothing fancy needed) will run 10 drives.
heh... if it was me, and i was building a data center class PC, with that many drives, id get a PC power and cooling PSU.... they make custom order PSUs with 10 sata connectors or w.e else you want. i wouldnt buy a cheap power supply for a PC like that...
The Enermax Galaxy and Infiniti should do the trick depending on the mix of drives.
sounds like you got some money to spend thats for sure. 10x750gb HDs cant be cheap :)

go with the custom solution above. why not,
ya thats true... enermax offers custom cables as well. iam sure its cheaper then a PCP & C
With the Enermax galaxy you can run up to 24 drives, Enermax even had a demo setup, with 24 SATA HDDs, at Cebit and other technology fairs they attended to.

And i believe all the cables you will ever need come included. So the infinity with less wattage can be enough for you.

Their 650w Infinity is rated for 18 drives (HDDs and/or ODDs). (plus SLI, and a quad core, so it is more than enough)

Around $170 for it.
i have the liberty in my main rig... it has enough cables... yes, but not 10 SATA power connectors