What video card will you be using for Battlefield 4?

if the top of the line AMD card is 600 dollars and includes a copy of BF4, I'll happily sell my two 7970's and upgrade
my asus gtx 770 2gb well just gonna try out the beta. i dont plan on buying the game.
When, and if, I'm able to purchase Battlefield 4 I will use the video card in my sig.
Wat issues did you have with surround and bf3 ?

Some of these were fixed quickly, others never were ...

Off the top of my head:
- oversized lens flares (they were triple size in Eyefinity)
- all HUD elements were on the left screen (enemy/friendly icons)
- initially had to drop resolution from ~6000x1200 due to unplayable framerates (and as a workaround to the HUD problem)
- as an engineer with a javelin you couldn't see when an enemy vehicle was SOFLAM'd (no target designation)
- Scavenger mode is nearly unplayable in Surround because there are no weapon indicators (the giant arrow pointing at the weapon on the ground isn't rendered)
- Eyefinity/Surround are rendered as a flat viewport when really you should be able to account for the angle of the side monitors (iRacing does this)

On the whole BF3 was a step-back for Eyefinity users as compared to BF:BC2. I was pissed that I pre-ordered it and won't make the same mistake with BF4. I'll try the beta (pre-retail demo) but if they've messed up Surround support in any way there's no chance in hell I'm buying it thinking that they'll fix their issues.
My unlocked 6950. It's aging for sure, but it still does reasonably well.
gonna be using my 670 but looking to maybe upgrade during black friday. Lets see how the game runs/what deals are out there and I might pick up a 780.
Some of these were fixed quickly, others never were ...

Off the top of my head:

- Scavenger mode is nearly unplayable in Surround because there are no weapon indicators (the giant arrow pointing at the weapon on the ground isn't rendered)


Hah! Yea I remember that one now! I was always wondering where people were getting the weapons, then I figured out the spawn spots!
A pair of 2GB GTX670's, initially. Should be able to handle medium-low at 1600p on populated servers, but we'll see.
Some of these were fixed quickly, others never were ...

Off the top of my head:
- oversized lens flares (they were triple size in Eyefinity)
- all HUD elements were on the left screen (enemy/friendly icons)
- initially had to drop resolution from ~6000x1200 due to unplayable framerates (and as a workaround to the HUD problem)
- as an engineer with a javelin you couldn't see when an enemy vehicle was SOFLAM'd (no target designation)
- Scavenger mode is nearly unplayable in Surround because there are no weapon indicators (the giant arrow pointing at the weapon on the ground isn't rendered)
- Eyefinity/Surround are rendered as a flat viewport when really you should be able to account for the angle of the side monitors (iRacing does this)

On the whole BF3 was a step-back for Eyefinity users as compared to BF:BC2. I was pissed that I pre-ordered it and won't make the same mistake with BF4. I'll try the beta (pre-retail demo) but if they've messed up Surround support in any way there's no chance in hell I'm buying it thinking that they'll fix their issues.

The soflam issue isn't just for eyefinity. I've had this issue off and on since the game came out. You can here it tho so its not that big of a deal. Just no marker.

2 670s will likely handle it on ultra. There will be some stupid setting like MSAA in bf3 that cuts 25-50% of framerate but makes no real difference in graphics. Just like 4xSSAO in Metro LL and advanced DOF in Metro 2033. I sware nvidia and AMD pay the devs to put dumb shit like that in games so when performance reviews are done people think they need to re-mortgage there house to buy a new video card.

Hopefully my 7970 @1175/1650 can run it smooth at 1080p at high or ultra with one of those stupid settings turned down or off (the ones I talked about that make no noticeable difference).
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Sapphire 7950 with 925 default core clock / reference cooler. At a modest 1000/1350 for 1080p.

CPU upgrade before Xmas for sure.
Probably start off with my old 6970, but I may upgrade it to a GTX 770 later this fall, or perhaps the new AMD card coming out...
I will using my EVGA GeForce 780 GTX.

Its playing BF3 extremely well on ultra on 1920x1200, and I have no reason to believe it won't do the same for BF4.

Looking forward to testing out the beta.
- oversized lens flares (they were triple size in Eyefinity)


The regular lens flare in BF3 is terrible (Sabalan Pipeline and Kiasar Railroad are the worst offenders in my opinion).

Now, I can't imagine what oversized lens flare is going to be like. Could you possibly post a screenshot?
Whatever comes out about 2 years after BF4 and the game is $4.99 on Origin.
rocking SLI 670s

shouldnt have problems with bf4 at 2560x1440. might have to lower AA but i doubt it
7970 or 290x
^ my Asus 144hz monitor arrives today, if the HD7970 can't give me a steady 120fps at a setting I'm satisfied with, then it's 290x time if it launches around the $600 price point or else I'll probably just buy another 7970 and crossfire them.

The regular lens flare in BF3 is terrible (Sabalan Pipeline and Kiasar Railroad are the worst offenders in my opinion).

Now, I can't imagine what oversized lens flare is going to be like. Could you possibly post a screenshot?

Never took any screenshots and they eventually fixed that one for Eyefinity users. But a pretty good approximation is that the lens flares were 3x wider than they should have been if you were running Eyefinity. The sun on Caspian Border as I ran up the hill from the riverbed would nearly fill the entire center screen.
AMD R290X, but if it is delayed in coming out, either my 6990 water cooled or my 7970ghz whichever gives best performance.
I'm on my pair of 670's and expect it will run well enough for me to stay on them for at least a while.
The same cards I am using now. I am actually CPU bottlenecked on some 64-player maps rather than GPU bottlenecked with two 680s at 2560x1440, which is surprising, but I figure it's time to upgrade from X58 anyways. So my next upgrade will be to an LGA2011 platform and then I'll look into the 800 series or the new Hawaii AMD cards. I really want to move to 4GB VRAM too.
The same cards I am using now. I am actually CPU bottlenecked on some 64-player maps rather than GPU bottlenecked with two 680s at 2560x1440, which is surprising, but I figure it's time to upgrade from X58 anyways. So my next upgrade will be to an LGA2011 platform and then I'll look into the 800 series or the new Hawaii AMD cards. I really want to move to 4GB VRAM too.

My 2500k at 4.5GHz tops out sometimes too... and I could definitely use more grunt for content creation. Though I think I can wait for Haswell-E, as Ivy-E and X79 just aren't terribly compelling.
2x GTX 780s, maybe a 3rd if a true 120Hz 1440p display happens soonish.

That would be damn hard to resist; granted, it's something most of us have been watching out for for some time. I wonder if ASUS could pull it off- get us Lightboost in a low-latency IPS or PLS solution, maybe? That's supposing of course that they could get the PLS solution to behave, but I'd sure appreciate darker blacks and higher overall contrast than what IPS gives us.

I'd have to weigh that over 4k pretty hard- but then again, I could continue to use my 30" panel for primary editing work, use a cheap 4k panel wall-mounted at 30Hz for review, and then grab a high-speed 1440p panel for gaming/secondary editing; if they could get the color down, though, I'd happily sell the 30"er off. Or use it for something else... choices :).