What wallpaper do you guys use for your HTPC?


Jun 16, 2005
Im looking for a cool background for my MCE HTPC. Currently i just have the default MCE theme with that hill in the background, im just wondering whatyou guys have.
Currently using the first one..



cool, thanks guys! i have it right now with that giant green button. It works good with my MCE machine. I used Microsofts power toys to do away with the recycling bin on the desktop, so now i have done away all icons, it looks pretty good.
Same image for desktop and frontend. I change it and theme colors to match about every 6 months. I keep a collection of interesting pictures that might work as a background, then tweak the theme to match.

Google image search for "earth at night" or "earth night lights" or something, it may have even been a NASA search. The image has been attributed to nasa, but when it came out it was linked in a lot of places. I routinely check a lot of nasa's image archives in addition to everything else (digital blasphemy is another good spot) for potential wallpaper/background images. Then it's just a matter of cropping or resizing images to my desktop size. Play with google's image search by typing random words/phrases and you can spend all afternoon finding backgrounds that make the htpc look a lot less like a computer.