What will BF3 have that BC2 does not?

I hope the class system of BC2 is in BF3. Don't get me wrong, I want there to be more classes available like in BF2, but with the options of being able to select which weapon you want as well as being able to add attachments, gadgets and the other enhancements that BC2 provided. Customisation, basically.

Being able to unlock stuff as you rank up would be nice too, as long as DICE doesn't do the same idiotic moves they did with BC2 (e.g. making medics level up several times for the defibrillator) and MOH (e.g. forcing snipers to unlock a scope). Sidegrades, DICE.

That would suck because what if you're a very good sniper class, and you have to change just because of some arbitrary rule. Then somebody else who sucks takes your place.

What if your team gets somebody who sucks at sniping. Then your team loses because the crappy snipers can't keep the other teams snipers at bay. See it all the time in DOD:S. I'm sticking with my idea of making it very difficult.

Good players should be able to be effective with more than one class.
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very difficult might work, but you still have people that suck just not killing anyone. I'd prefer just removing the class entirely

In my experience, if they aren't getting any kills, they usually switch. Right now in the game, a bad player can get a few kills with the sniper, but they probably are getting raped with a k/d ratio well below 1, usually close to .2. It doesn't matter to them though, because they've gotten a couple of kills, so they keep trying.

Good players should be able to be effective with more than one class.

And communism should theoretically work, but it doesn't. A good player usually has one class that he dominates in, and others that he is decent in. I'd rather him play the class he dominates in so that our team can win, and not have to switch classes because the game said so.
I don't think sniper will be anywhere as bad as it was in bc2. Bc2 was all about choke points to keep the game intense with less players. With bf3 having more players and bigger maps, I don't think it will be bad at all.
God, I loved that big crane in Gulf of Oman in BF2. I would just climb up there and pick people off all day long...
I've missed the "oh SHIT!" effect of a jet bearing down on you at full speed and dropping its payload, complete with eardrum-bursting explosion effects
I've missed the "oh SHIT!" effect of a jet bearing down on you at full speed and dropping its payload, complete with eardrum-bursting explosion effects

Sound quality of BFBC2 + the game experience of BF2 = BF3: The best game ever
I miss my artilery strikes :( and the choas shortly after when you're caught in it.
The one thing that I _REALLY_ want, that I doubt I will get, is a standalone server, that I can run on my hardware with out EA's permission, and with out having to talk to the internet to play. Thats what I would really like.
I just want a non console-ized battlefield game. I think BC2 is awesome for what it is but I crave an old school 1942/BF2 feel.
If BF3 was just BF2 with updated graphics, destructible environments, new maps, and BC2's unlock system I would be happy. Probably still wouldn't hold a candle to the Desert Combat mod for BF1942 as far as pure awesome goes but it would be a bit prettier to look at.
All has been said all ready :D. But man I do miss Commander mode. It was cool and added more to the game. Wonder if they would go back to a squad leader based thing. Man I miss BF2.
Like others have said, I want a PC game. I want it to have everything one expects from a good PC game.
PC game.
64-bit client with anti-cheat support. (and perhaps allow 64-bit clients, with adequate ram, to have perks like join servers with more players or something, or some other way use the ram.)
support up to 8 cores, with appropriate increases in performances/ability to run higher settings.
directx 11 with high quality graphics, crysis level or better on high.
good physically accurate sound engine.
more destructiveness than BCBF2.
no prone. It's a game, if you want prone join the army.
no snipers, so sick of having to hide all day because some douche I can't even see can kill me in one shot. Needless to say, millions of 14 year old boys would riot, so not gonna happen.
unlockables, good diversified classes.
bigger maps, more players than bfbc2.
at least a few urban maps, and a few pure jungle maps, not just a map with a few trees here and there.
good support after release, so extra maps and bug fixes.

That would be a good start, so to speak.
I honestly really like BC2 for what it is. In my opinion it's the best multiplayer shooter out there right now by a long shot.

I'd like to see:

1. Bigger maps, but don't leave them as wide-open sniperfests.
2. More but not overpowered vehicles.
3. 64 players minimum but the more the merrier
4. The return of prone but don't allow dolphin diving. prone should be pre-meditated, not instantaneous unless they can create an evasive dive that can't be abused.
5. More classes. imo, split medic and heavy machine gunner. have the heavy mg drop ammo and the assault class gets the nube tube *and* smoke grenades
6. More guns. no excuse not to have everything from BC2 and more additions.
7. Rocket weapons should not be as effective against infantry as they are in BC2 unless they are in buildings/behind light cover. If you're in the open, there should be visual and audio "stun" cues, but minimal damage.

I'm sure I'll get it release day almost regardless, but those are some definite wish-list items for me.
- More than 64 players would be moronic, I don't get where people are getting this 598123 players = awesome Battlefield experience shit from. Big numbers are nice and I'd welcome 64 back, but BC2 already proved that an equally intense game was more than possible with 32.

- Jets in BF2 were cool but were much too powerful. If they are going to make a return, they should be more like Vietnam's jets (aka it doesn't predict the bomb drop for you...)

- BF doesn't need 9128321 guns, just have guns with a clear distinction (and thus their own benefits) from one another instead of 5 million ones that are just never going to get used due to min / maxing / looking up the stats.

- BF doesn't need 50 classes, BF2142 had 4 and was by far the most intelligent class implementation in the series... Well, they pretty much branched off into 2 sub categories and you could do as you saw fit.

Assault got the med-kit and assault rifle which was infinitely more mobile than the LMG. The class could revive and heal, and had the best all around weapon. It was smart because it let you focus on being in the thick of shit, you're the fucking assault guy, you're at the forefront of the action.

Support did what support should do. There was no medic class since assault filled that role. You were encouraged to use your LMG to lay down a wall of fire, it got more accurate as you fired. It was useless on the move and up close compared to anything the other classes got, but if you parked your ass in a good spot then you could be incredibly annoying to infantry. You also had a shield for a bit more utility.

Engineer's were deadly as shit to vehicles, basically nuff said. They did what you'd expect.

Recon actually had incentive to move instead of sitting on a hill for 5 hours. They had neat goodies like cloaking and C4 which let them destroy the commander functions of the other team.
You guys mentioning BC2 must be new to the BF series..... Bad Company / BC2 started the console, dumified crapness wave of noobish kids that destroyed the once good Battlefield series name.

BF2 was golden, perfect..... all the games before it were also very good.

Then came the close range, wannabe Call of Duty type design that has plagued the BF series.... I wish they leave those Bad Company and other spray and pray games to the noob kids.

BF3 should be PC only.... and the graphics should by 2012 graphics, state of the art. Just throw in some new maps and models..... besides those few things, make it identical (with a few new small features) to battlefield 2. That's all, that's it, I will pay $60 the day of release. Fucking make it not suck like the new BF games..... PLEASE! We want vehicles back, and big maps to roam and fly through like bF once was! A game where a small group of smart guys could wipe out an entire platoon of the other team. Where strategy overtook how many idiots could smash their mouse.

What every true PC BF/BF2 veterans all say -----------------------------------^
Like others have said, I want a PC game. I want it to have everything one expects from a good PC game.
This Battlefield 3 makers..... this. ---------^

The one thing that I _REALLY_ want, that I doubt I will get, is a standalone server, that I can run on my hardware with out EA's permission, and with out having to talk to the internet to play. Thats what I would really like.


I miss my artilery strikes :( and the choas shortly after when you're caught in it.


PC game.
64-bit client with anti-cheat support. (and perhaps allow 64-bit clients, with adequate ram, to have perks like join servers with more players or something, or some other way use the ram.)
support up to 8 cores, with appropriate increases in performances/ability to run higher settings.
directx 11 with high quality graphics, crysis level or better on high.
good physically accurate sound engine.
more destructiveness than BCBF2.
no prone. It's a game, if you want prone join the army.
no snipers, so sick of having to hide all day because some douche I can't even see can kill me in one shot. Needless to say, millions of 14 year old boys would riot, so not gonna happen.
unlockables, good diversified classes.
bigger maps, more players than bfbc2.
at least a few urban maps, and a few pure jungle maps, not just a map with a few trees here and there.
good support after release, so extra maps and bug fixes.

That would be a good start, so to speak.

i would like to see a pc game, not a console port

Yet another person saying this....

Hoe about stability and better hit registration? That's what I want.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

True, I hated Counter-Strike back when bullets didn't register correctly, esp when you watch a replay and see the damn thing go through the guy yet he still lives.

BC2 is a console game, so pretty much everything has to change

100% agreed.... BC2 is far below BF2.

I am not going to even touch upon what BF3 needs as opposed to what BC2 has- the games are not synonymous! BC2 is a spin off and only has the word Battlefield in it's title to entice all of us past BF gamers. It's a great game on it's own, but no where near the caliber of a true BF game.

We all know what BF3 needs and will end up being: A true Battlefield sequel with elements of BF2 and BF2142, while incorporating a new engine with destucible environments. It should be PC oriented, yet if it is not and ends up being ported somehow, it will still gain commercial success. We PC BF gamers will hate this fact, but we will still play it.

110% spot on! Another good comment

QFT. BF3 better be a pure, no-frills PC FPS.

another guy saying this..... #5 so far in this thread, good to see & hopefully these guys notice this thread... hopefully... hopefully.

I'll be happy if BF3 is just like BF2 :D

I would hate if BF3 is anything like BC or BC2

ANOTHER GUY... #6 in this thread saying this same thing.

Yeah, this is what I should have said in my post, heh. They just need to re-release BF2 to get its player base back :D.
Customization of the tanks, aircraft and other vehicles. I would like the ability to change what weapons, equipment(perks) the vehicles use. Navel units would be cool too.

Customizable guns so i can put scopes, laser sights, acog scopes, silencers etc on my guns.

Improved destruction of the environment. Destroying bridges, cranes and buildings larger then a small house would be awesome. At the end of the map, everything should be leveled. Add bunkers for protection but then add bunker buster bombs

Better hit reg/net code. BF2 hit code was so random at times. BC2 was a improvement but still not very good.

PC optimized with mods tools. They can make a console version but don't dumb down the PC version. People will buy it.
You guys mentioning BC2 must be new to the BF series..... Bad Company / BC2 started the console, dumified crapness wave of noobish kids that destroyed the once good Battlefield series name.

BF2 was golden, perfect..... all the games before it were also very good.

Then came the close range, wannabe Call of Duty type design that has plagued the BF series.... I wish they leave those Bad Company and other spray and pray games to the noob kids.

BF3 should be PC only.... and the graphics should by 2012 graphics, state of the art. Just throw in some new maps and models..... besides those few things, make it identical (with a few new small features) to battlefield 2. That's all, that's it, I will pay $60 the day of release. Fucking make it not suck like the new BF games..... PLEASE! We want vehicles back, and big maps to roam and fly through like bF once was! A game where a small group of smart guys could wipe out an entire platoon of the other team. Where strategy overtook how many idiots could smash their mouse.

What every true PC BF/BF2 veterans all say -----------------------------------^

And you must be completely clueless about Battlefield Bad Company being designed to break the Battlefield name into the console market, and BC games are not intended to represent what BF3 will be. Even DICE has essentially said that the BC games aren't "real Battlefield games" (since they have a single-player campaign now) - BC2 just came to the PC because there was enough demand for it.

And before you scream "BF3 wil be consolised because it's multiplatform!" - MAG.
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There's not a lot I would really want, other than a return to at least (though would LOVE more than) 64 players.

Otherwise I'm easy to please and will probably get BF3 no matter what.
This will probably cause disagreement and likely won't be what happens (since it seems to be the trend now) but please for the love of god less MMORPG type persistent leveling elements in a multiplayer fps.

I don't want to spend time in a online fps grinding for kits, perks or whatever that have a significant game play impact. I really do not like the current trend of moving away from the "drop in" and play balance that has always been a staple of online fps games.

Even the unlocks points curve for BF 2 I felt was too high for a fps game, and this coming from someone who has played korean grindfest mmos...
Prone is nice to have but having dolphin diving in the game ruins it completely.
No functional unlocks, I don't care if people can unlock hats or something but all guns and kits should be unlocked
Large player support, preferably support for 128 or 256 players, although 64 players with appropriate maps sizes would be acceptable.
Have prone, but no dolphin diving
Jets and Helicopters with a high flight ceiling
Drivable battleships/carriers (ie BF1942:DC)
No health regen except what medics/medpacks provide
Knife and grenades selectable as weapons, not hotkeyed, also no knife instant kill
Graphics appropriate for a 2012 PC game not a console port
I don't see any problem with snipers, they have been balanced just fine in the previous full BF games, it's just the map design of BC that allows that to be so annoying.

And something I am probably alone one: I would love helicopters to fly like they did in BF1942:Desert Combat, Flying them was hard to learn but once you got it down it was amazingly fun and powerful.
Please let there be no quick knife/grenade. Probably the worst addition to the modern fps. Other than that I think it will turn out good.
Anti-Aircraft Guns that work. Make it impossible to switch seats in a helicopter midflight to shoot a TV guided missile and get back into the pilot seat again (same with jets). No punkbuster, use something else that isn't completely retarded/broken. Retain squad based combat and increase class selection.
The fact they are releasing Battlefield 3 on console is enough for me to question it. Each Battlefield from 1942 has gone backwards with features. 1942 had the most vehicles, being able to control air craft carriers etc. BF2 was decent as well. Hell I even liked 2142 even though it wasnt as feature rich as 1942. With these console games it gone down the crapper.

What they need to do is drop the console report, get the player maps to handle 128 people, and make a game that is complex and fun at the same time. I would love to see the amount of control from 1942 and well though out maps that are huge in size.

I doubt any of this will happen. Fuck it I blame the consoles. There limited amount of resources and the fact that it seems like console games dont want complicated games make games like this suffer. Hopefully I am wrong.

Oh yeah MAG is a joke too.
I simply want BF2 with a better view distance and reworked jet combat for more balanced dogfights. :D
Would certainly like to see good mod support for BF3. Would be nice to see the likes of Project Reality in a shiny new engine.