What Will Speed up VPN performance?

el rolio

Jul 8, 2004
hey all. this is my first time in this part of the forum but it makes sense to ask it here.

i work for a small gfx design firm but as you can imagine i also end up administering the network stuff here. anyhoo our accountant is pregs and when she is home on maternity leave she wants to VPN in to at least handle the regular entries.

right now the VPN is slow and she or the CFO might use it for a hour or 2 on a weekend every now and then. we wanna get sped up by the time she gives birth. what do we do?

i assumed that 1. we would need a faster connect here at the office to the net. or at least more upstream. is this correct?

also would she 2. benefit from speeding up her at home speed? i assumed it would help but only AFTER we sped up the connection here at the office.

is there other things that would do it? is this correct thinking? what kinda speeds should we go for? this is on a small biz 2003 dell server and im pretty sure we rollin on 768/384 silly dsl now. it might not even be that fast of upspeed actually...

Having a faster connect at work will definitely help out. 384 up is not much to work with.
What is she doing when connected to the VPN? While I agree more speed would help, I'm hoping that there is a terminal server or remote desktop setup so there isn't unnecessary data being transferred across that connection.
sandmanx said:
What is she doing when connected to the VPN? While I agree more speed would help, I'm hoping that there is a terminal server or remote desktop setup so there isn't unnecessary data being transferred across that connection.
Agreed. And for vnc or remote desktop, 384 is enough...more or less.
ah yea, nah what she mainly needs to do is work in clients and profits program and maybe peachtree.

so here in the office all artwork and database stuff for the accounting is stored on the server. we all connect to the server and do our work.

she will therefore be offsite connecting in and working with the database as she would normally while here in the office. just that its hella slow right now thru the vpn. even from my home the couple times i tested it and i got powerful speakeasy at home, which is why i figured a stronger net connection here at the server would be the best bet.
Doing any type of DB queries accross a wan can be painful, especially if it involves large amounts of data such as images.

You could set a XP machine at work for her. When she connects via VPN, have her use remote deskop into that machine. This is what was mentioned above. The only thing that would need to be tranfered over the VPN would be screen and key/mouse data. This is a relatively small amount of data in comparison to files.
*Edit* Nevermind.

I apparently left this post open while at lunch and others already posted.

I was recommending the remote desktop route too.
oooo good call. well lets see. we have xp pro setup yea, but the thing is, she takes her laptop home im sure to use. so i would have to find another pc around here somewhere. there aint much. we all use macs for work. there is a lil slow ass dell at the front desk but i dont think it has the programs installed. i'll see what i can do and test.

also, the clients n profits database is about 50 mb.

also i've never done remote desktop before. seen it, but never set it up. should be easy enough right? dont wanna make things too unsecure by accident tho.
el rolio said:
oooo good call. well lets see. we have xp pro setup yea, but the thing is, she takes her laptop home im sure to use. so i would have to find another pc around here somewhere. there aint much. we all use macs for work. there is a lil slow ass dell at the front desk but i dont think it has the programs installed. i'll see what i can do and test.

also, the clients n profits database is about 50 mb.

also i've never done remote desktop before. seen it, but never set it up. should be easy enough right? dont wanna make things too unsecure by accident tho.

It's easy to setup. Just connect to the VPN, then connect to the machine with RDC(Remote desktop connection), which is under start->programs->accessories->communication. You'll have to turn remote connections on the host machine as well, which is under control panel->system. Then click on the remote tab.

As far as using a laptop at work....ughh. Give me a desktop any day of the week.
384 upstream is many times over what she needs for RDC...it's fine. RDC only needs around 30-40 worth of bandwidth...and you can throttle it down below that for dial up users even. SBS2K3 is designed for ease of remote work..you have all the tools right there, you don't need 3rd party products like gotomypc or it's poor clone, logmein.

For your remote rig, you don't need something with high power, you're just using the Remote Desktop Client...you can squeeze by with an old Pentium 2 400MHz with 64 megs running Windows 98...it doesn't matter, the client barely uses any power, it's the host rig at her office that does all the processing.