What wireless adapter to use for 360?


Limp Gawd
Jul 15, 2004
I don't really want to spend $100 on the official adapter, so I'm looking for somethat that works & is cheaper. Any of you have any experience with this? I've tried googling, but not much luck.
I wish I could help you out as I need some help too. My roommate and I just purchased a new TV and agreed to go wireless and finally get the ugly cord out of the way. Unfortunately, neither of us want to spend the $100 on the official wireless adapter. I know there are alternatives, but I don't know what they are.
I have run in to this problem as well. From what I understand any router that can be put into bridge mode can work.
So what I did on this issue, because I eventually needed one of these things, was I keep an eye on the local craigslist and snatched one up for 65. Albeit, still terribly overpriced, but 35 bucks off is a done deal. I don't feel like messing with some of these off-party brand ones.
You really have 3 options:

1) Pick up one of those 3rd party wireless game adapters such as this. You then plug your 360 into that thing via the network connection. It requires it's own AC adapter and won't be as neat or portable as the official solution.
2) Pick up a wireless ethernet bridge (which is essentially what the gaming adapter is) or another AP to bridge to the existing wireless network. Suffers from the same shortcomings of the game adapters. Might or might not be cheaper.
3) Pick up the official adapter. Neater solution and draws power from the USB port on the XBox. Pricier.
if its any consolation (probably isnt) the 360 wireless adapter is slick and just plain works.
I gave in and bought the MS wireless adapter. It took me about a minute to set it up and the thing has worked perfectly.
Cool solution. I needed the official one myself because I take my Xbox to other places all the time, its much easier to have that and not have to setup cables and crap all the time.