What would be a good replacement for a 570 GTX?


Jan 28, 2001
I'm not interested in SLI/Crossfire.

If you had to choose a faster single card, what would you pick?

Or should I wait for the next gen of nVidia GPUs.

BTW, my single 570 GTX plays everything just fine currently.
if you are satisfied with the current 570, then wait.

Apparently 670ti (or 660ti or 760ti nobody knows) is coming out April
If you don't mind my asking, if your current solution satisfies your needs, why upgrade?
SLI is a good option, but since you don't want that, I would suggest waiting for Kepler or getting a 7970. Anything else probably wouldn't be worthwhile.
you have a gtx570 so surely you know what single gpu cards are out there that are faster. that would be gtx580, 7950 and 7970.

then you say that your gtx570 plays everything fine. so really whats the point of this thread?
gtx580 hardly qualifies as an upgrade to 570, they are so close performance ;)

It's still about 10-20% faster with more VRAM.

But yeah, I wouldn't go from 570 to 580 unless it was SLI and I was getting the 3 GB cards. Even then considering the price difference it's not really that worthwhile an upgrade IMO.
Ride it out man (same boat as you)... The latest release of drivers for the 7970 seem to really solve a lot of issues people were having and adding a nice bump in performance. I'm curious to see how the 680/670 compare, as well as what that does to the price after release.
sorry but I do not think spending over 460 bucks for a 25% improvement is worth it. at this point it makes more sense to wait.
It's more 40-50% when you compare overclocked vs. overclocked. And it wouldn't be $460 unless he was throwing his GTX 570 out the window when he was done with it.
It's more 40-50% when you compare overclocked vs. overclocked. And it wouldn't be $460 unless he was throwing his GTX 570 out the window when he was done with it.
so was the gtx570 free then? a $460 card is still $460 and maybe he can get something for cheaper after the gtx670, or whatever they call it, comes out. next week we supposedly will know more about what Nvidia will bring so at this point he should just wait since he is happy with the gtx570.
so was the gtx570 free then?
He's already paid for that, it's a sunk cost. In addition, he's not going to throw the 7950 out the window either when he eventually moves on. In either case, it's not going to be $460 out of his pocket right now.
He's already paid for that, it's a sunk cost. In addition, he's not going to throw the 7950 out the window either when he eventually moves on. In either case, it's not going to be $460 out of his pocket right now.
so was the card he had before the gtx570 a sunk cost too? what about the card before that? really you missed the point. its still 460 bucks and he may have better options and/or lower prices when some of the Kepler cards come out.
you missed the point. its still 460 bucks and he may have better options and/or lower prices when some of the Kepler cards come out.
No, you just change topics when you're corrected. Kepler may offer better price/performance, it may not. Either way, he's not going to be out $460 if he upgrades to a 7950, as selling his GTX 570 will rescind some of the cost.
No, you just change topics when you're corrected. Kepler may offer better price/performance, it may not. Either way, he's not going to be out $460 if he upgrades to a 7950, as selling his GTX 570 will rescind some of the cost.
you have not corrected me on anything. selling the GTX570 would also reduce the total price of ANY card he gets.

so its still $460 for the 7950 where maybe Nvidia will offer the same performance for $360. so that means that he could save 100 bucks more on getting a new card. whether he sales the gtx570 or not does not change anything because its still 100 bucks saved no matter what.

and dont have a cow over the hypothetical situation as it was just an example. Nvidia is not likely to undercut AMD by much if at all. the OP is in a position to wait though since he is happy with his current card.
He has corrected you on everything...
and looked who stopped by to troll.

are you really so ignorant that you cant in comprehend that selling the gtx570 would offset the price of ANY card he buys? the OP is happy with his current card so he should just wait for now as there is nothing to upgrade to that is not really expensive. you know that is right but your only goal here is to troll because we saw things different in another thread. :rolleyes:
No I just think you are wrong.
Selling a old card does lower the price of the new hardware.
The old hardware cost is sunk that is just fact.
Threads gloating about how people bought a 6800Ultra, X1900XTX, 8800GTX, 4870X2, GTX480, and HD7970 have all spoke to that truth. People routinely talk about how they sold off their old hardware and thus they could purchase the next best thing for a lesser cost.
Thats just a fact.
No I just think you are wrong.
Selling a old card does lower the price of the new hardware.
The old hardware cost is sunk that is just fact.
Threads gloating about how people bought a 6800Ultra, X1900XTX, 8800GTX, 4870X2, GTX480, and HD7970 have all spoke to that truth. People routinely talk about how they sold off their old hardware and thus they could purchase the next best thing for a lesser cost.
Thats just a fact.
well how am I wrong then? I just said that selling the gtx570 would offset the price of ANY card he buys. AGAIN the point is that the OP is happy with his current card so he should wait until he can get a better bang for buck upgrade.
so was the gtx570 free then? a $460 card is still $460 and maybe he can get something for cheaper after the gtx670, or whatever they call it, comes out. next week we supposedly will know more about what Nvidia will bring so at this point he should just wait since he is happy with the gtx570.
Misread you're post. I see what you meant now.
Still selling his 570 and getting a 7970 would be a huge upgrade thats undeniable.
Why not jump to it?
Misread you're post. I see what you meant now.
Still selling his 570 and getting a 7970 would be a huge upgrade thats undeniable.
Why not jump to it?
well if he wants to get a 7970 then that is his choice. he seems to be happy with his card now though so I would think waiting to see what Kepler has to offer makes sense.
well if he wants to get a 7970 then that is his choice. he seems to be happy with his card now though so I would think waiting to see what Kepler has to offer makes sense.

This makes sense. Since he is satisfied with his current card, he should wait a few months to see new offerings that may push down prices on current cards.
It just depends on his resolution.
If he plans on upgrading to a 30incher than go for it. But if he is at 1920 or lower then stick where you are.
The fact of the matter is, if his current card is fine now there is absolutely no reason to buy now, considering when Kepler comes out prices are likely to drop.