What Would Happen With No Google?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
While I don’t think the world would come to an end if Google went down for a week or so, I do think the world has become pretty damn dependent on Google. With that said, is it as bad as people are making it seem?

One wonders: If Google were to go down (or become essentially unusable -- same thing) for, say, 72 hours or more, how disruptive would it be to the economy? Would online retailers see a slowdown in business? Would job-seekers remain out of work longer? Would the productivity of information workers (who supposedly spend a couple hours per day doing online searches) be seriously affected?
people would go to yahoo.com, live.com, ask.com?

life would go on... sure searching would be a little bit more of a bitch, but it would still be as doable without google......
for all the IT helpdesks in the world, google is our knowledge base since most companies do not have their own wiki or vast knowledge base. This is true for almost every university as well.

searching within quotes an error saves a lot of time!

also... porn.
Between Gmail, Google Docs, iGoogle, and Google Calendar, Google pretty much runs my life.

Ohhh yeah... and apparently they have some sort of search engine. :)
Life would suck, but would still go on. Live can handle search duties, not being able to check my gmail account would suck as would not having my gmail imaped school account (can get to it without gmail, but use gmail for imap to sync multiple outlook accounts).
It would definitely suck but there's always going to be a search engine giant. If Google wasn't doing it, someone else would be.
it would impact people who only depend on one service for their needs
kind of like if Steam went down or their internet connection to them - they wouldn't be able to play any of those hundreds/thousands of dollars in games they spent
I only use google for search and maps. While they do these things better than anyone else, other people do them and life would go on. If you store all kinda of crap (googledocs, blah blah) on their servers, oh well, too bad for you.
I'm seeing a massive increase in calls to help desks across the world.

"I think my internet is broken... it says that www.google.com cannot be resolved."
If there was no Google then how the hell am I going to search for 'daily thong'?
It would affect a lot of people because all the other search engines out there completely blow. I'd rather die than Ask Jeeves. Yahoo search is ok. MSN search...well we know the answer.

Plus without all the other Google features that many people use would put some of them in complete disarray who heavily rely on it. I use Google search every day and Google maps quite often.

Lets not forget Google Earth...I mean how fun is it to look at an accurate rendering of all your friends/enemies/girls' houses from the sky? Plus it's educational. Last week I went to France and saw the Eiffel Tower. Yesterday I went to Africa. All without leaving my broken wheel computer chair.
I dont think they will have such a great impact as most people will use alternative engines. However, for those noobish users who has done nothing but "google" and don't even know a web outside of it exists, they will be screwed.

So I would consider it a cleansing of the internet.
i would go to another search engine, the only reason i use goole is i prefer how it lays out the results, i have how live and yahoo view results, seems too dam clustered and confusing.
To continue the list of questions, How many parties would be thrown at Yahoo stock holder homes?
if google was gone, my adblocker browser plugin would have 1/10th as much work to do. google is evil. only thing i use it for is search and maps, and microsoft and yahoo have good search and map alternatives.
I personally would not be able to function. Then internet would cease to exist and e-commerce would come to a screeching halt.

I kid, I kid.

Sadly I would resort to yahoo or live search.
I would find it interesting if Google seriously SLOWED content for a week. Made things nice and slow just to show people what the net effect would be if they were throttles say 40% by backbone or broadband providers.

That would be one heck of a show.
Search is a commodity service. If Google goes away a dozen others quickly fill the vacuum.
Google and Yahoo are two different types of search systems. So...Yahoo wouldn't fill in for Google at this point in the game given their two entirely different searching abilities. But, if G-unit wasn't around anymore, we'd all find something else to use.
when searching for coding errors, google is a god send. Yahoo search just doesn't compare
Not an issue for me. I don't put all my eggs in one basket... others not as paranoid would be paralyzed.

A world without google would not affect me much at all...

The reason is pretty much why Google took over so easily from Yahoo: the net allows easy switches, all one has to do it type in "yahoo.com" or "live.com" and voila, a working search engine.... and someday Google will decline as well and some other company will be *the* "search engine"/life minder, whatever.

Now if Wikipedia went down... all my searches for detailed articles about useless information would come back with some crap that some dudes posted on some forum... I would miss wikipedia.
In the old days I used Yahoo for searches, and Hotmail for email.

I don't want to go back. I like the minimalism that google does for all their cloud apps.
then i would really have no reason to leave the [H] :D
Meh, Google's search functionality is crap anyway. I'd just use one of the other search engines, not that any of them are any better.
people would go to yahoo.com, live.com, ask.com?

life would go on... sure searching would be a little bit more of a bitch, but it would still be as doable without google......

Agreed. There was an internet before Google you know.
Didn't they do a southpark episode with no internets?

"We're going out to Cal-e-forn-e-i-a as they might have some internets out there..."
There was plenty of seearch engines before Google and there will be others after.
I bet Google will be one of the corperations that rule the world in the future when Earth is ruled by corperations insetad of countries ^^