What would you label this action as?


Aug 30, 2004
How to cripple IW's net and bring dedicated servers back:


Basically, when IW makes you host of a game use net limiter to limit the connection speeds to the other players.

Is this an unfair advantage? IW net is using your internet, why can't you control your internet to enhance your play experience? On one hand you're obviously pissing off the other players, but on the other hand, so what? Is it your responsible to host MW2 fairly, or IW net's? Is it your responsibility to be a fair host or IW net's responsibility to create a system with fair hosting?

I wouldn't call this a hack. You are not hacking into anything and VAC will never catch this. You are merely throttling your internet speeds to the other people that are using your bandwidth.

An exploit? Unethical? Civil Disobedience?

Read it over and post your reply (and I mean read the original link, not this [h] way of glossing the thread title and posting complete garbage).

Well im telling this because not many people know that it is possible, first of all you use mp_config method on this site to get 10 bars and a precise bandwidth, so you can see who is host. Second, you install the currenlty open for public free beta: NetLimiter 3 Beta. If you have a very good pc and you see that your bandwidth is pretty high and you can see when the game has started that YOU are the host of the game, YOU CAN BASICLY BE 10 TIMES FASTER then the rest. With dedicated you dont have this problem. First of all dont limit anything, let the game start normal, while ingame and you know there are lots of people in a house, you can limit their bandwidth and kill them in a flash! :-p They will be sitting ducks. You switch to your Netlimiter panel, go to iw4mp and fix the UL limit, usually its around 16kb/s (or higher) you limit it 3/4, set it to 10kb/s in this case, click limit, it affects direct. And basicly you can kill everyone fast. This bug cannot be reproduced if it was a dedicated server. So basicly bandwidth limiting on client site can be exploited, and is basicly not a hack, just limiting bandwidth ingame :)
Well I don't play this game because of what they did to the PC community but this seems like a childish way of playing the game. I can see the cause of it but something tells me they would spend more time trying to code a patch that prevents you from being able to do this rather than just enable dedicated servers. After all, they want you to play the game the way they created it.

Plus chances are people aren't going to spend the time to download this when they are already playing the game. I wouldn't even if I knew I was doing it to try and get back at IW.net for being bitches about not having dedicated servers.
something tells me they would spend more time trying to code a patch that prevents you from being able to do this rather than just enable dedicated servers.

It's your bandwidth, if you only want to allow a certain % of it to be used for a particular task, there isn't jack they can do about it.

That said, if you're mad an angry w/IW, why are you playing the game? Odds are good people will just not play with you, and find somewhere else to go.
Being a dick to everyone else in a match so you can play a fair game on dedicated servers... makes sense to me. :rolleyes:
lol, I would just set the QoS classified to lowest....and everyone else would be a lagging hell...
How will it matter, sure you can throttle your bandwidth, but then the game should simply pick someone else as the host. Do you disable the limit until you're actively hosting then re-enable it just to cause problems?

Which makes me wonder how they deal with connections like mine from comcast with "speedboost" where my upstream is quite high for the first x seconds then throttles back down to the advertised rate of 768K up. If I enabled upnp or forwarded the appropriate ports so I could actually act as host, I wonder how this would effect the way it chooses the host.
That is pretty stupid. If your going to use it to get easy kills you might as well cheat and do it 1000 times faster. I saw someone the other day using a lmg with 100% accuracte headshot aimbot, I don't know why they can't keep their crap on CS. Makes you wonder why someone would actually buy a new game to balanty cheat the same as they did in the previous game; is this not the same online experience?

Besides, they already hacked open the console and created hacked dedicated servers. The only problem is that these dedicated servers give you 10,000 xp per kill, which would be an easy indicator for a banning. How many 10th prestige players have you seen already? I've seen atleast 10 within the first week and I just now hit my first prestige..
That is pretty stupid. If your going to use it to get easy kills you might as well cheat and do it 1000 times faster. I saw someone the other day using a lmg with 100% accuracte headshot aimbot, I don't know why they can't keep their crap on CS. Makes you wonder why someone would actually buy a new game to balanty cheat the same as they did in the previous game; is this not the same online experience?

Besides, they already hacked open the console and created hacked dedicated servers. The only problem is that these dedicated servers give you 10,000 xp per kill, which would be an easy indicator for a banning. How many 10th prestige players have you seen already? I've seen atleast 10 within the first week and I just now hit my first prestige..

We sent them to you guys after we banned them from all our CS servers. Sorry :(
Or you could not buy the game and show IW that you don't want the "feature" of no-dedicated servers.
I wouldn't call this a hack. You are not hacking into anything and VAC will never catch this. You are merely throttling your internet speeds to the other people that are using your bandwidth.

It's a hack -- you're hacking the system to benefit yourself. I think it's pretty stupid when people intentionally degrade the gaming experience of other so they can have an "I Win" button. You see it everywhere... and it's not going to go away. This is the problem with games that are "free" to play. There is no monthly income to keep up with hacks like this.

And there is an "easy" fix. Each client could keep track of the speed between each other. If it all of a sudden drops from 5k (whatever it needs) to .1k, the clients could report to each other and it would be pretty obvious. It could trigger a host migration and, if necessary, boot the offending host.
I would call this Retarded. The person doing this claims to be doing it as a way to get back at IW for lack of dedicated server support - Why buy the game to begin with and CONTINUE to play it?
I would call this Retarded. The person doing this claims to be doing it as a way to get back at IW for lack of dedicated server support - Why buy the game to begin with and CONTINUE to play it?

actually, pirates have managed to get online, and play as legit users.... without buying the game.

Steam wasn't able to do smack about this.
I would 'label' this as taking a video game way, way, way too seriously. When winning a game becomes more important than spending time with a game at the end of a work-day to rest and relax and just have some fun, then you've got a problem - a big one.