What you gonna do?

What you gonna do?

  • Wait to buy the HD 4870 X2

    Votes: 70 36.1%
  • GTX 280s in SLi FTW

    Votes: 6 3.1%
  • HD 4870s in Crossfire is really something

    Votes: 10 5.2%
  • GTX 260s in SLi look nice

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • HD 4850 Crossfire, sweet!

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • Buy a single GTX 280 now, it already cheap

    Votes: 13 6.7%
  • Buy a single HD 4870 now

    Votes: 32 16.5%
  • Buy a single GTX 260 now

    Votes: 12 6.2%
  • HD 4850 is good enough for me

    Votes: 28 14.4%
  • Not interested in upgrading

    Votes: 39 20.1%

  • Total voters


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 9, 2006
HD 4870 X2 previews are out, the price of the GTX 200 is dropping fast, and HD 4800 cards are also available with great performance at a low price. I'm getting the upgrade itch already but gonna wait for the HD 4870 X2 1GB version.
Right now, I'm happy with my system already. 4850 is more than enough for me and while my AMD CPU isn't the fastest, it's enough for me and the games I play.

When I get a new mobo and CPU next year, I might get a second 4850. It's also possible that by then, ATI and Nvidia have released much faster cards.. maybe my next card will be the 5850 :) Many of the driver optimizations ATI will do to improve the performance of the 4870X2 will most likely also benefit Crossfire users, which is a nice bonus :)
Got me a single 4870... I figure with a waterblock, a good BIOS mod (1.26 Vcore) and an OC to around 850/1200 it'll keep me going strong for 1-2 years... It already lets me max out the games I enjoy playing, at stock...
Actually my CF 4850's will hold me over until I can get my hands on two 4870X2's.
Ive been waiting for THE card for over a year now. If those numbers hold up, put me down for two, just because I can.


Add a 4870 X2 to the 4870s I have already and sell 1 of the 4870s.:D
I've already got my 3x GTX 280 SLI rig but must admit that I'm envious though I don't know why, its not like I'm lacking performance.

I may pick up one 4870x2 for my secondary rig, but the more I think about it, the more I doubt it for now. That system will be my main PVR in my office and I don't want the heat and power consumption unless they fix the BIOS and get the idle power working like the GTX's.
Why is everyone so in love with a $550 R700 when everyone acted like a $650 GT200 was the worst price/performance ratio since the FX series?
Seeing as we're on [H] I expect to see the 4870X2 dominate this poll, eh?
Uh, because you need Two 280's to keep up with it? Far as I can tell, I could be wrong.


PS. FFS can we keep crysis out of this for once? K thx
Why is everyone so in love with a $550 R700 when everyone acted like a $650 GT200 was the worst price/performance ratio since the FX series?

Because the $650+ GTX280 didn't improve significantly on the $550 9800GX2. Yes, it got rid of the microstuttering and every game did benefit from the faster GPU (unlike the dual-GPU 9800GX2 which in some games wasn't much faster than a 9800GTX)... but in terms of raw FPS numbers, the GTX280 wasn't that impressive compared to the 9800GX2. When you looked at the GX2 vs GTX280 numbers, the GTX280 looked pretty sad much of the time.

4870X2 gets rid of the microstuttering for starters. Also, the credibility of ATI's "small GPU strategy" depends on the 4870X2 performing well across a broad range of games.. This means they'll spend alot of time optimizing their drivers so that as many games as possible can take advantage of the dual GPUs.

Yes, you *can* run the GTX280 in SLI, and it will beat the 4870X2 in virtually everything.. But at what cost? What kind of heat will that rig put out? How much power will it consume? Also, I think the 4870X2 will sell for $499 on launch day, at most. They don't want it to be much more expensive than the GTX280, and prices on those are in freefall at the moment.
Why is everyone so in love with a $550 R700 when everyone acted like a $650 GT200 was the worst price/performance ratio since the FX series?

The GTX 280 wouldn't have been so poorly received if not the 4800's. And at $550, the 4870x2 is a lot faster overall and cheaper.
$550 seems like a damn good price.
$275 per GPU, no micro stutter, no CF board necessary, faster than 4870 CF (?) ...
Because the $650+ GTX280 didn't improve significantly on the $550 9800GX2. Yes, it got rid of the microstuttering and every game did benefit from the faster GPU (unlike the dual-GPU 9800GX2 which in some games wasn't much faster than a 9800GTX)... but in terms of raw FPS numbers, the GTX280 wasn't that impressive compared to the 9800GX2. When you looked at the GX2 vs GTX280 numbers, the GTX280 looked pretty sad much of the time.

4870X2 gets rid of the microstuttering for starters. Also, the credibility of ATI's "small GPU strategy" depends on the 4870X2 performing well across a broad range of games.. This means they'll spend alot of time optimizing their drivers so that as many games as possible can take advantage of the dual GPUs.

Yes, you *can* run the GTX280 in SLI, and it will beat the 4870X2 in virtually everything.. But at what cost? What kind of heat will that rig put out? How much power will it consume? Also, I think the 4870X2 will sell for $499 on launch day, at most. They don't want it to be much more expensive than the GTX280, and prices on those are in freefall at the moment.

Couple of things. The launch price of the 9800 GX2 was $600. Also, the 9800 GX2 was a joke compared to the GTX 280. I don't know where people were getting these numbers, like Crysis. I couldn't ever get Crysis to even run at very high at 1920x1200 without ten fits and yet people had the 9800 GX2 breezing on by the GTX 280. What a joke.

The 4870x2 looks to be ATI's best high end offering since the 9800 and at a great price to boot.

I've been thinking about ripping apart this rig and selling my 280's for $300 a piece and picking up two 4870x2, but that would be pretty much a waste of time for no real benefit.
Probably go for a 4870x2, maybe add a second one later (that should be an option)

On second thought... everything, because I can! :eek:
The 4870 x 2 sounds nice ... but are there going to be any interesting PC games coming out this year? I can't imagine everyone's playing Crysis over and over :) Still, I'd love to get one.
Meh...I have been on one of those not giving a shit about hardware kicks for a while... I will survive with my current rigs for now. :)
Plenty of games coming. Warhead, Far Cry 2, Brothers In Arms, list list is long. In fact I went to NewEgg the other day to see titles for pre-order that are scheduled to come out this year, there's about 30 top tier games on the way through the rest this year.
Only single card solutions for me so bought a 4870. I used to have 7950GX2 and I didn't enjoy dealing with the quirks and do not want to deal with it again. No, I do not like seeing my desktop flash to black screen on/off a few times every time I booted the PC.
If Nvidia and ATi continue to duke it out, at the very least, we should be able buy 2 HD4870s for $300 by Christmas in my opinion.
I have one EVGA GTX 280 FTW already. After 8800GT SLI, I had sworn off of multi-GPU setups due to microstuttering, but anecdotal accounts of GT200 SLI seem to indicate that it's much less of a problem with GT200 than it was with G80/G92. I'm severely tempted to grab a second GTX 280 (after, of course, a PSU upgrade); the question is how long I can hold off temptation and wait for prices to fall. Unlike my first 280 purchase, I'm in no rush to improve my minimum FPS or anything this time around.
Don't forget cost for new PSU and maybe new mb with 2 16x lanes. My Seasonic S12-600w probably won't cut it with 2 4870's and mb with 1 16x and 1 4x PCI-E slots don't really cut it either.
i mostly game at 1280x1024 or sometimes at 1600x1200 if i feel like it. so i'm going to stick with my 8800gt sli setup for now. it runs everything just fine. for what i game at, i'd just be greedy going any higher :p
You forgot the 9800GTX(+) option :( I am going for that one. Yeah, it retails for a bit more than a 4850, They both trade blows pretty equally across the board with the 4850 getting a slight edge on high resolution spots (which I won't be running), I am already a bit cpu limited, and nvidias AIBs just puts it over the top for me. That being said, I am still a month away from purchace, something could change between now and then. Only thing thats really hurting ATis chances with me is how badly ATi cards perform in stalker, and thats my favorite game.
I think I might hold on to my single 4870. Because I'm also shopping for a new monitor and a mother board and they could be expensive, especially the monitor I'm looking at. This one

If someone is interested in buying my 4870 with its modifications I might step up to an x2
Wait for 4870X2 performance to be obtainable at $300~ price range.

Same, I'm NEVER spending $500 on a GPU again.
Going to wait for a GTX 380 or HD 5870 around $300 which will hopefully match or surpass 4870X2 perforrmance,
I'm finally building a new rig. It will be an AMD quad core with a single Sapphire HD 4870. I have always been an Nvidia fanboy but, as you can see in my sig, I have an HD 3850 and I am very pleased with it.
I'm going to wait for a bit. I'll eventually upgrade around oct/nov to something, probably the 4870 as I only have a 22" monitor.
I've been thinking about ripping apart this rig and selling my 280's for $300 a piece and picking up two 4870x2, but that would be pretty much a waste of time for no real benefit.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see if tri-sli is faster than crossfireX
I went ahead and got the GTX260. I'm not sure where all the hate for this card is coming from, it's very comparable to the 4870 and is a more stable option at the moment (heat/power usage etc).

heatlessun: I will gladly take one of those GTX280s off of your hands right now for $350 :D