Whats a good CFM for case fans?


Limp Gawd
Aug 13, 2002
currenty I have 4 80mm antec fans in my case blowing 17.3 CFM each. 2 pulling air in the front and 2 blowing air out the back. Is this enough cooling or would I do better with fans blowing around 30 CFM? Would that make any helpful difference?
17 cfm is kinda low IMO

i believe panaflos are in the mid20's and they are dead quiet

my antec blue LEDS do 34 at 30dBa

and my smartfan2 does 73 at 46dBa:D
i was thinking that was kind of low but those are the fans that came with my antec case. So should I get 4 30 or 40 CFM fans?
what are ur temps like? if they are slightly high, then 30cfm should suffice
if they are dangerously high then u mite wanna get 40cfm along w/ a better hsf
A lot of guys use more powerful fans, and control them with a baybus. I like 50cfm Sunons, both 80mm and 92mm. I know that's overkill, but that is what the baybus is for. The extra air does come in handy when doing a cpu intensive task, like ripping audio tracks from DVDs.
How about some nice 80cfm 2200rpm 120mm fans? :D
Much quieter then most 80mm fans.
A baybus is a speed controller for fans. "Bay" because it fits in a drive bay, and "bus" is short for rheobus. Here's a link to one that I like. I like the seller, too....and the price is right.


I would probably stick to 80mm fans with that case, unless you need one in the side. That would be your decision to make.
thanks guys, i think i'm going to just use some 30ish CFM fans with a baybus. I may get a 40-50ish fan to blow over my HDDs though.
cant really go wrong with the coolermaster rifle bearing LED fans ( maybe Antec will sue me and coolermaster now =X )

ive got 5 in my case all at 12v stock and its dead quiet, well maybe not panaflo quiet, but when i turn the CPU fan down to near inaudible it gets so calm and peaceful in my room =P 32CFM is quite good as well for a case fan anyway.

my 2 cents

I basically had the same case except mine has the fan on the side /w a Antec 430 TruePower PS. It's a great case, but I'm just tired of the noise. So, I've changed cases to the one in my profile below. It has 2 120mm in it and extremely quiet. I can now hear again.:)
Originally posted by kill_emma
if you're not worried about noise then just get a couple of tornados.

lol, funny you said that. I just ordered 5 80mm tornados about 6 hours before you posted this. also, got a vantec 205 baybus to keep the noise down at night.