What's a good free audio editor?

Chowder Head

Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2005
Hey guys, I'm looking for a digital editor to trim songs, filter out stuff I don't want, etc. Curious to see what you all use and what to check into.

Audacity, FTW.

Can't be beat.

We have a winner!!

Only four posts since January and all promoting the same commercial wave editor. Anyone else think it smells a bit funny?

While we're on the subject of advocating software that you have to pay for, if you ever have the need to step up to something more advanced, you can't beat Steinberg's WaveLab.
I use audacity to cut music for my girlfriend's collegiate synchronized swimming team and always sounds professional.
While we're on the subject of advocating software that you have to pay for, if you ever have the need to step up to something more advanced, you can't beat Steinberg's WaveLab.
Sure you can. Bias Peak XT -- Mac OS only, however.