What's better? Loosely applied artic or default pads


Sep 5, 2006
I've been wondering... Sometimes I get those one piece heatsinks on videocards that goes over both GPU and the rams with the GPU being tad higher so the manufacturers usually put some thermal pads over the ram chips to make sure contact is made. I usually take apart whatever new equipment I get and apply some artic silver to the heatsink. But, with the situation I discribed above, I usually wind up just putting a glob of artic silver on top of the ram chip and making sure there's contact between the artic and the heatsink. I know it's not an air tight seal like it is between the GPU and the heatsink. So, should I have just left the manufacturer's thermal pads? In some cases the space between the ram and the heatsink is 2 or 3 mms.
Thermal pads should do better as the AS5 will probably go runny, and drip down on the Ram connectors lol...
I would NEVER (again :eek: ) get AS5 anywhere near the ram modules on a video card. With the kind of cooler you described the pads are thick for a reason...those coolers suck and aren't flat. Those things should be immediately replaced by a VF900 if you entertain thoughts of overclocking..